• I was just trying to convey like whats the significance of unique key while creating indexes. To me, while I was checking with DBCC IND and PAGE, I could see the above situation.

    The non-clustered index key structure would be as follows:

    If I have a unique clustered index index and non-unique non-clusterd index indexthen my root level will have non-clustered key + clustered key. At leaf level, non-clustered key + clustered key

    If I have a unique clustered index index and unique non-clusterd index indexthen my root level will have non-clustered key . At leaf level, non-clustered key + clustered key

    If I have a non-unique clustered index index and non-unique non-clusterd index indexthen my root level will have non-clustered key + clustered key + Uniquifier. At leaf level, non-clustered key + clustered key + Uniquifier.

    If I have a non-unique clustered index index and unique non-clusterd index indexthen my root level will have non-clustered key . At leaf level, non-clustered key + clustered key +Uniquifier.

    Correct me if am wrong....