• Thanks for the question--as already stated nice and easy :-).

    One word on the distraction, though.

    Apparently BOL is not quite consistent in this matter.

    While the explanation on QUOTED_IDENTIFIER (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174393.aspx) states:

    SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER must be ON when reserved keywords are used for object names in the database.

    the page on IDENTIFIERS (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175874.aspx) does not make a mention of this option at all and simply states:

    Identifiers that do not comply with all the rules for identifiers must be delimited in a Transact-SQL statement.

    Is this a simplification due to the fact that by default quoted identifiers are ON?

    Anyway, I guess the best thing to do is to not use reserved keywords as identifiers for any database object. But then, who would actually use those as table or column names, etc.?

