• So I realize this topic is a bit old but I'm in the middle of converting a java app from Oracle to SQLServer and of course there is a ton of bad code that fetches the next value and then uses it to create data - sometimes creating the child before the parent ( ugh). Of course there is virtually no time to get this converted. I've got 20 years of Oracle experience but am new to SQLServer - and seriously worried about the difference in locking behavior.

    Anyway - we ran the conversion tool from MSDN and it came up with this for sequence generation:

    1. create 1 table per sequence - ie

    create table Z_A_SEQ_STBL(nextval numeric(10, 0) identity(5000,1) NOT NULL);

    2. create this proc:

    create procedure SL_A_SEQ_NEXTVAL(@nextval [numeric](10, 0) out) as BEGIN insert into Z_ACCESSORY_SEQ_STBL default values set @nextval = scope_identity() END


    Doesn't look nearly as robust as the one in this thread. What do you guys think?