• I found that the given SELECT statement does not always return the proper schema name. This is far more reliable, and handles the instances where DML triggers are attached to views as well as tables:

    SELECT ISNULL(tbl.name, vue.name) AS [schemaName]

    , trg.name AS triggerName

    FROM sys.triggers trg

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT tparent.object_id, ts.name

    FROM sys.tables tparent

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas ts ON TS.schema_id = tparent.SCHEMA_ID)

    AS tbl ON tbl.OBJECT_ID = trg.parent_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT vparent.object_id, vs.name

    FROM sys.views vparent

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas vs ON vs.schema_id = vparent.SCHEMA_ID)

    AS vue ON vue.OBJECT_ID = trg.parent_id

    ORDER BY trg.name