• Bill,

    Thanks, I'm glad it was useful. I'm putting together another article describing how to build the PackageVariable nodes. I have methods for creating the Pipeline Paths and Precedence Constraints xml strings that are in thier own PackageVariable nodes, as well as the methods that layout the control flow, data flow and event handler diagrams, including the costruction of the Annotations. This will give others the ability to add the methods necessary to programmatically create their packages and lay them out as well. It will include the attributes in the Package, TaskHost and DtsEventHandler nodes. Some of these attributes, when changed, are durable and some are not.

    I've played with some of the attributes such as the selectable and showselecthandles to 0 while making the annotations read only as described in the article. I've also modified the dontautolayout; it worked for a bit, but the more tasks I had in my package, it became overwritten. My enemy is the AutoLayout. 🙂