• Junglee_George (1/5/2011)

    Hi..Try this

    select cast(datediff(yyyy, '2006-01-01', '2008-01-01') as varchar) + 'Y : '

    + cast(datediff(mm, '2006-01-01', '2008-01-01') as varchar) + 'M : '

    + cast(datediff(dd, '2006-01-01', '2008-01-01') as varchar) + 'D'

    Right idea, Junglee, but you're going to get 24 months there, when it should be 2 years, 0 months, 0 days.

    You'll need to do something like this:


    @date2 DATETIME

    SELECT @date1 = '1/1/2008',

    @date2 = '4/12/2010'


    DATEDIFF( mm, @date1, @date2) / 12 AS years

    , DATEDIFF( mm, @date1, @date2) % 12 AS months

    , DATEDIFF( dd, DATEADD( mm, DATEDIFF( mm, @date1, @date2), @date1), @date2)

    Because we're not looking for the actual year crossing of 12/31 - 1/1, you need to derive the # of years from the # of months differentiating the values. Then the # of months is the remainder of the division by 12. The reason for the dateadd/datediff for days is that we have to advance the @date1 forward to just give us a difference in days.

    Problem is, this is incomplete. It won't handle inverted days well. To see what I mean, invert the date1/2 to this:

    SELECT @date1 = '4/12/2008',

    @date2 = '1/1/2010'

    If the above solves your problem, well and good. If not, I've got to go find some code that I wrote up at one point to deal with this. It gets really messy.

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