• Great article!

    Here are a couple ways to check to make sure there is a mix of upper and lower case letters.

    Use the LOWER function. This only ensures that there is at least one upper case character. Use like this:

    if @password = LOWER (@password)

        -- Password has no upper-case characters

    If you want to count how many of each character type, include this in your function/procedure (Assumes a string variable @password is passed in):

    declare @lowerCount int

    declare @upperCount int

    declare @numberCount int

    declare @specialCount int

    declare @currentIndex int

    declare @currentCharAscii int

    set @currrentIndex = 0

    while @currIndex < LEN (@password)


        @currentCharAscii = ASCII (SUBSTRING (@password, @currentIndex, 1))

        if @currentCharAscii between 97 and 122 set @lowerCount = @lowerCount + 1

        if @currentCharAscii between 65 and 90 set @upperCount = @upperCount + 1

        if @currentCharAscii between 48 and 57 set @numberCount = @numberCount + 1


    set @specialCount = LEN (@password) - @lowerCount - @upperCount - @numberCount

    -- Check your rules

    You might need to debug typing errors in the code snippet since I did not actually write it in QA (I don't have SQL Server tools on this computer) but the logic should be right.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog