• Hi,

    I am wondering how you send you emails. Do you send them via an exchange-server inside your network? Or do you have some external provider sending your mails?

    In the last company I worked we had over the time three different approaches to send our mails so that is why I am asking. Each approach had its benefits and back draws depending where you want the workload to be.

    And is this just one newsletter with one list of recipients? Or are these different newsletters (which can’t be easily separated via a switch) so the Server has to read over the same table quite a few times. With 700.000 newsletters it should not be that much workload, depending what the normal workload and performance of the server. I guess that maybe there is tuning-potential in the application sending the mails or the workflow because you know what you are doing on the SQL Server side. And in the old company as well as in the new one most of the time I help the developers pinpoint down potential misdoings in the applications or bad design because the server is on the other end, bad behavior of an application can be seen pretty clear as soon as it hits the database.

