• Good question.

    But this is not an explanation at all:

    Explanation: If a subquery returns any null value the main query will not return any rows

    I suggest the following explanation.

    The SELECT query can be modified as follows:

    select *

    from dbo.Employees

    where EmployeeID not in (SELECT NullableColumn FROM NullOperation)


    select *

    from dbo.Employees

    where EmployeeID not in (NULL, 0, 1)


    select *

    from dbo.Employees

    where (EmployeeID <> NULL) and (EmployeeID <> 0) and (EmployeeID <> 1)

    The result of the comparison "EmployeeID <> NULL" is undefined for all values of EmployeeID (unless you set the ANSI_NULLS option to OFF). So the result of the WHERE clause is undefined (i.e. not true), and no rows are returned.