• @Craig

    Yes there is scenario where local physical tables were creating and dropping in the user database not in temp db.

    There are lot waits with wait types pagelatch_up

    and the wait resource is 5:1:3(db_id:FG:pageid)

    page id 3 is SGAM I went through most of the stuff

    including adding files and enabling trace flag 1118 globally.

    I don't want move files to other drives because all of them are raid 5 drives so not helpful.

    Recommend suggetions

    and also get e script to divide the .mdf to equal no.of .ndf files.

    Right now .mdf(50GB) ---existing and FG 1

    .ndf(5GB)----I created and FG 1

    .ndf(5GB)---I craeted and FG2
