• Hugo Kornelis (11/17/2010)

    Cliff Jones (11/17/2010)

    UMG Developer (11/17/2010)

    Cliff Jones (11/17/2010)

    Yes, I agree with this. Compression has an effect on the storage but does not change the defined row size.

    But what is the definition for the "defined row size"? Does it include metadata? (Is it a real SQL Server term, or is it just made up?)

    Good point. I could not find a reference to that term so I suspect it is made up so therefore the ambiguity. I started to answer correctly, until I noticed that the question was referring to the "defined row size".

    Since, as far as I know, this is not a reserved SQL Server term, I decided to go wild and employ my English language parser.

    In my opinion, "defined row size" should refer to the size of the row as defined. And if I look at the table definition, I can't help but notice the "With (Data_Compression = Row)"

    So please stop this babbling about a perceived ambiguity, the question is perfectly clear.

    All regulars know that I won't hesitate te criticise a question that I feel does not make the bar. This is no such question.

    Thanks, I trust your judgment.