2 OS Servers - 2Apps and SQL Server 2008

  • i have to figure out the best configuration for 2 Servers - identical to each other

    1. SQL Server 2008

    2. Cold Fusion for Intranet website

    3. 3rd Party BI (not ssrs or ssas) tool with integrated web

    #3 suggests that it should have it's own server, and if you put #3 on the same server as #2, you have a conflict on port 80, so you would need to do a bit of configuration to get them to work together

    so given #1 and #3 have best practices to run on their own server, where should I put #2 the cold fusion??? does anyone know if cold fusion is a memory hog or it's affect of putting cold fusion on the same box as sql server.

    thanks in advance

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