• Hugo Kornelis (11/11/2010)

    2. The rule "Partitions can be on any column" is ambiguous. I was sure I had the rest right, but felt like taking a 50% gamble with this one - did the question author want this to be interpreted as "There are restrictions on the type of partitioning column you choose in both tables", or as "There are no restrictions no the type of partitioning column chosen, except that it has to be the same in both".

    This also got me.

    Once again I had to guess and use my ESP to answer the QOTD.

    It was very difficult to understand that the author was asking if you could create a partion on column a in source table to column b in target table. Instead of meaning are there any limitations on the columns that can be used to create the partition.

    I gift the questions No stars for trying to trick people with ambiguous answers and a weirdly positioned incorrect statement.

    Questions like these on the MS certification exams are what inspire people to buy study exams.