• Agh: "Morg, quick throw spear".

    Morg: "Hit it. Good! Deer down."

    [Later around the dinner fire]

    Morg: "Agh, I don't know. First knife, then spear. I miss the days when I use to hunt with my bare hands."


    I also lament the days when I knew stuff off the top of my head. I remember resisting the GUI tools, I wanted to know what was under the hood. It is great to be able to work without the internet, but as with many things, I try not to make it wrong that we can. I think the truth is that we should always do the best we can with the best we have. My parents lived through the 1930s. They, and many of their contemporaries, then spent a life worrying about what happened by living as if it might happen again. I think we all would have "advanced" much more if they had been able to live in what is happening now instead of what might happen again. Or, to bring this philosophical meandering back to the topic, Just Do, Don't Sweat.

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.