Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created RE: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

  • ps: creating a <install drive>:\Temp file seems to work in my case it was g:\Temp

    oh...i now have to install windows powershell onto my recently bloated fresh install of xp, which means i have to validate as genuine first - no problem that.

    note to microsoft management: not all of us have hours to waste installing your bloat ware and (buggy) bug fixes, not to mention some of us live in africa where bandwidth is slow and expensive...

    don't get me wrong, i am not a n00b and am a programmer, so i understand the complexities in software - one of which is user friendliness (not frustrating your user falls into that category) - but i have recently been involved in a number of projects on other platforms and think that the lack of frustration in the other vendors operating systems and software installations out weighs the perceived 'inferiority' of the said installations. ps - most applications DO NOT require advanced functionality, especially when concerned with the database tier as good design and proper programming techniques will fulfill most requirements.