• I liked the question - allthough with the exception of option 1 on really large (or busy) tables, all options will be blindingly fast, and you won't run this type of query often enough that a few microseconds more or less really matters.

    I gave the right answer, but not for the reasons listed. The question specifically asked for "fastest and most reliable", so I focused on those aspects of the queries.

    Option 1 scans the complete table (or one of the indexes). Absolutely reliable, but not fast. This answer can only be correct if all others are not.

    Option 3 is not reliable. The Books Online entry for sys.partitions specifically describes the "rows" column as an "approximate number of rows in this partition". (The cast to float of the result and the cast to int of object_id are not wrong, though they are of course weird).

    Options 2 and 4 are both reliable. (The explanation of the question says sysindexes can be unreliable. This is not supported by the referenced sources. The sysindexes system table was unreliable in SQL 2000 and before, but this has changed in SQL Server 2005 - here is a reference. Also, Books Online does not contain the words "approximate", "inaccurate", or anything similar for these views, as it does for sys.partitions.

    Both the question explanation and the description in Books Online of sys.sysindexes mention that the sys.sysindexes compatibility view will be removed in future versions of SQL Server. This is very relevant for real work - but it was not a deciding factor in this question, so this should not be used to decide between options 2 and 4.

    The same page in Books Online also contains this warning: "Partitioned tables and indexes are not fully supported in this view; use the sys.indexes catalog view instead." The table used in the example code is not partitioned, but I interpreted the code as examples for a randomly chosen sample table, and the question about the method in general. Since method 2 does not work for partitioned tables, it's not reliable.

    Method 4 and method 1 are both reliable. Method 1 scans the table (or an index); method 4 uses systemm views - this one is much faster. That's why I chose method 4.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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