• JJ B (10/18/2010)

    I can't really imagine wanting to start or maintain a database without ERwin.

    Actually it's kind of interesting that you mention Erwin. In 2007 I was working on a project that used Erwin. The project was NOT using RAP, but I was already developing RAP and its concepts so I wanted the project to have consistent status fields across all tables.

    I was expecting that in most professional projects people would have goals like mine and that Erwin would be well equipped to produce identical sets of status fields on all tables. This would require two things:

    1. a mechanism for defining common sets of fields that could be incorporated into any or all tables,

    2. and a mechanism for hiding such sets (as in the case of status fields, which you really don't need to look at in your diagrams).

    To my chagrin I discovered that Erwin didn't seem to support either concept. There is an Erwin concept called "domain", which is analogous to data types in SQL server in that it can define a single field and its attributes for consistent reuse in multiple tables. But I could not find any mechanism for defining groups of fields. So that's when I came up with the idea of writing a macro to define my status fields consistently across all tables.

    So I was amazed. The notion of having a consistent set of status fields across all tables (or even a subset of tables) was apparently so foreign to professional schema designers in 2007 that a super-popular professional schema designer like Erwin apparently didn't have any mechanism for supporting the concept.