• I came up with this: It's a set based approach, rather than working all the way through the string. Check for any strings which are suspect then fix the first instance within the string. I also used a DONE flag so as not to hit every row in the table at every iteration.

    Then loop round again for any rows which still have an instance of the suspect string. I tried it with some bodged data from AdventureWorksDW..DimCustomer (18,000+ rows) and it only took 4 seconds.


    drop table ImportDataFilter


    Create Table ImportDataFilter (MyID Int Identity(1,1) NOT NULL, Location varchar(100), Comments varchar(20))


    Insert into ImportDataFilter (Location, Comments)

    (Select Upper('Mandarin'),'' UNION ALL Select Upper('San Jose'),'' UNION ALL Select Upper('Baymeadows'),'' UNION ALL

    Select Upper('My FH Locale'),'' UNION ALL Select Upper('St. Augustine'),'' UNION ALL Select Upper('Test For Three Spaces'),'Concatenated Spaces'

    UNION ALL Select Upper('Test for being Four Spaces'),'Concatenated Spaces' UNION ALL Select Upper('Test for being Five More Spaces '),'Concatenated Spaces'

    UNION ALL Select Upper('Baymeadows'),'' UNION ALL Select Upper('St. Augustine'),'' )

    -- test with leading space

    UNION ALL Select Upper(' Oswestry'),''


    If (Select Object_ID('tempdb..#MyTemp2')) is NOT NULL

    Drop table #MyTemp2; -- Drop temp table if it already exists

    Select Distinct Location into dbo.#MyTemp2 from dbo.ImportDataFilter; --Get distinct values for all locations

    Update mt1 Set Location = Lower(mt1.Location) from dbo.#MyTemp2 mt1; -- Set entire string to lower case letters

    -- Brandie's article mentioned double spaces - this will do the trick

    -- Now get rid of conatenated spaces

    -- simply loop while there are still instances of SPACESPACE

    Declare @spFlag int , @debugcount int

    select @spFlag = 1, @debugcount = 0

    while @spFlag <> 0


    Update #MyTemp2 set Location = replace(Location, ' ',' ')

    -- we only want to do the rows affected and not the whole table every time

    where charindex(' ', Location) > 0

    -- how many rows are left : if zero then quit

    Select @spFlag = count(*) from #MyTemp2 where charindex(' ', Location) > 0

    -- just in case we spiral out of control

    Select @debugcount = @debugcount +1

    if @debugcount = 100

    SELECT @spFlag = 0 -- just in case

    -- print @debugcount -- debug


    -- select * from #MyTemp2

    -- ===================================================================

    -- Now for the title case

    -- First: do the Very First char: a blanket approach for ease

    Update #MyTemp2 set Location = upper(left(Location,1)) + substring(Location,2,300)

    -- add a column to record the position of the next space which needs attention

    Alter table #MyTemp2 add spacepos int, DONE int


    -- initialise

    update #MyTemp2 set spacepos = charindex(' ',Location), DONE = 0

    -- NOW LOOP

    Declare @ucFlag int

    select @ucFlag = 1

    WHILE @ucFlag <> 0


    -- process the Location

    UPDATE #MyTemp2 SET

    Location = LEFT(Location, spacepos) + upper(substring(Location,spacepos + 1,1)) + substring(Location,spacepos + 2,250)

    WHERE spacepos <> 0 and DONE = 0

    -- get new spacepos

    UPDATE #MyTemp2 SET spacepos = charindex(' ',Location, spacepos + 1)

    WHERE spacepos <> 0 and DONE = 0

    SELECT @ucFlag = count(*) from #MyTemp2 where spacepos <> 0

    -- are any spacepos now = 0 ?

    -- if so then set DONE

    UPDATE #MyTemp2 SET DONE = 1

    where spacepos = 0 and DONE = 0


    select * from #MyTemp2

    -- then you can update your original table