• Hugo Kornelis (10/15/2010)

    henrik staun poulsen (10/15/2010)


    <<If you want to index a computed column, you must persist it.

    Are you sure?

    I've just added a computed column to one of our big tables (+4 billion rows).

    I did not add "PERSISTED" to the alter table statement.

    Then I created an index on the column.

    Looks fine.

    A simple query on the field returns data from the index according to the plan.

    But one caveat:

    I have a query that currently crashes after 8 hours, when it is using the new index.

    We're using SQL Server 2008 sp1 and some cu's.

    You are completely right; I should have checked that statement before speaking. I'll edit my previous post.

    (And on a simple test I just ran, I did not crash the query - so your problem might not be related to the indexed computed column)

    hi one more doubt on creating the index on computed columns

    -- Query 1 Creating the index for computed columns no Error

    CREATE TABLE #tblTemp


    Name1 varchar(10),

    Col1 int,

    PartitionKey as (Col1 % 10)



    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_Partitionkey on #tblTemp(PartitionKey)


    INSERT INTO #tblTemp(Name1,Col1) select 'Nam1',565

    INSERT INTO #tblTemp(Name1,Col1) select 'Nam2',58

    SELECT * FROM #tblTemp

    DROP TABLE #tblTemp


    -- Query 2 Creating the index for computed columns Error Raised For Foat DataType

    CREATE TABLE #Quantities (


    DataSource varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    QF1 FLOAT,

    QF2 FLOAT,

    QTot AS QF1 + QF2



    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_PF1 on #Quantities(QTot)


    drop table #Quantities


    -- Error

    Msg 2799, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot create index or statistics 'IX_PF1' on table '#Quantities' because the computed column 'QTot' is imprecise and not persisted.

    Consider removing column from index or statistics key or marking computed column persisted.


    -- Query 3 Creating the index for computed columns No Error for Decimal datattype

    CREATE TABLE #Quantities2 (


    DataSource varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    QF1 DECIMAL(18,2),

    QF2 DECIMAL(18,2),

    QTot AS QF1 + QF2



    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_PF1 on #Quantities2(QTot)


    drop table #Quantities2

    in the above Quesries second one (Query 2) thrown on error while creating the index on computed column but the Query 1 and Query 3 not thrown error i'm confused about this

    Thanks & Regards
