• Obvious! In the daily work you do not need a special syntax. But, sometime my clients ask me for something special. And thanks to the delimiter I can extract data and send them without writing an application outside sqlserver.

    In the example, unfortunately, most of syntax has been lost because of html tag.

    So, I provide another simplest one. The following script build syntax to expand sp, functions or views, comment or uncomment the type of object and substitute %my_proc% with the name of object, run it and than select all the result copy and paste and execute in the query window.

    set nocount on

    select 'exec sp_helptext ' AS [--],o.name

    from sysobjects o(readuncommitted)

    where o.xtype IN(''

    ,'P '--: stored procedure'

    --,'IF'--: inline function'

    --,'FN'--: scalar function'

    --,'TF'--: table function'

    --,'V '--: view'

    --,'TR'--: trigger'


    and o.name like '%my_proc%'

    and o.name not like 'dt[_]%'

    order by o.Name

    set nocount off

    At last, the 84% of users learned 3 new things:

    1) Read carefully the Qotd.

    2) Use of delimiter.

    3) Only lack of fantasy is the limit.