• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189292.aspx#BKMK_persisted

    'You can create an index on a computed column that is defined with a deterministic, but imprecise, expression if the column is marked PERSISTED'

    --If I wanted to find all those who received a work permit on a give day, this query works but shows a table scan.

    SELECT [DOWorkPermit] FROM [Employee_2] WHERE [DOWorkPermit] = '12/31/1993';

    --Add an index on the persisted, computed column:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_WorkPermit ON [Employee_2] ([DOWorkPermit]);


    --The query still shows a table scan because DOBirth is in the output list and is needed to find the computed DOWorkPermit day:

    SELECT [DOWorkPermit] FROM [Employee_2] WHERE [DOWorkPermit] = '12/31/1993';

    -- drop and recreate the index including the DOBirth column

    DROP INDEX IX_WorkPermit ON [Employee_2];


    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_WorkPermit ON [Employee_2] ([DOWorkPermit]) INCLUDE ([DOBirth]);


    --an index scan is now used

    SELECT [DOWorkPermit] FROM [Employee_2] WHERE [DOWorkPermit] = '12/31/1993'

    My question is, couldn't an index seek be done on the persisted, indexed value rather than having to compute it while doing a scan? Is it because there's only 1 record in the table or am I missing or misinterpreting something...