First Absence of the Week in a Monthly Pay Period

  • Hello Everyone,

    I need some help in creating a SQL query to identify ONLY the first absence of the week in a monthly pay period so when I do my query for an employee for a month I should be able to flag it:

    Week starts on Monday

    Month is September 2010 (for example sake)

    My table is called emp_absence and the columns are as follows:

    Emp_No, Absence, AbsenceDate, PayPeriodStartDate, PayPeriodEndDate

    Note: Absence column value '0' means no absence and '1' means absence

    Example Scenario:

    On first week an employee has an absence on Thursday (9/2/2010) and Friday (9/3/2010).

    On second week this employee has an absence on Monday (9/6/2010).

    On third week no absence.

    On fourth week he has an absence on Tuesday (9/21/2010)and Friday (9/24/2010).

    On fifth week no absence.

    SQL Query

    select Emp_No, Absence, AbsenceDate,

    CASE Absence





    END Absence_Flag

    from emp_absence

    where absencedate between PayPeriodStartDate and PayPeriodEndDate

    and Absence = '1'

    Expected Results:

    Emp_No AbsenceDate Absence_Flag

    --------------- ----------- ----------------------- -------------------------

    Test, Emp 09-02 2010 First_Absence_Of_The_Week

    Test, Emp 09-06 2010 First_Absence_Of_The_Week

    Test, Emp 09-21 2010 First_Absence_Of_The_Week

    Right now when I run this query it picks up all the absences in a week which is incorrect.

    I appreciate all the help I can get to have a working query.

    Best Regards,


  • How's this?

    -- See how this starts off with a table and data in it?

    -- If you had provided us the data in this format,

    -- it would have made things easier for all of the

    -- volunteers on this site to help you out.

    DECLARE @emp_absence TABLE (

    Emp_No INT,

    Absence BIT,

    AbsenceDate DateTime,

    PayPeriodStartDate DateTime,

    PayPeriodEndDate DateTime);

    INSERT INTO @emp_absence (Emp_No, Absence, AbsenceDate)

    SELECT 1, 1, '9/2/2010' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1, '9/3/2010' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1, '9/6/2010' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1, '9/21/2010' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1, '9/24/2010';



    -- get the week #, and row number that starts over at 1 for each change in emp_no or week #

    SELECT *,

    WeekNo = DATEPART(week, AbsenceDate),

    RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Emp_No, DATEPART(week, AbsenceDate) ORDER BY AbsenceDate)

    FROM @emp_absence


    -- only get the first absence of each week.

    SELECT *


    WHERE RN = 1;

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Thank you Wayne, I'll give it a go.

    Much appreciate it.

    Best Regards,


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