Invalid object

  • Hi,

    I am using a temp table in my sp. I have written the following tsql before and after using the temp table.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TEMP') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdb..##TEMP;

    Data will be inserted to the temp table consecutively using a cursor. I use SELECT * INTO tempdb..##TEMP FROM EXEC('query') to fill this temp table for the first time and INSERT INTO tempdb..##TEMP(<fields>) EXEC('query') for the remaining times.

    The SP is working fine in my laptop, but I am getting an Invalid Object error on this temp table name in the production server. Could anyone tell me the possible causes please?



  • Look, you are creating a GLOBAL temp table (## = Golabal, # = Session-based).. this has visibility globally.. so there may be some other code in your PROD system that is dropping this table.. change your code to use normal temp table, then u wont face this issue...

  • Thank you for the quick reply...

    I think, I need a global temp table because I am using EXEC('query') also in the SP to insert to the temp table. If we use EXEC, I think, it will create a local connection again, and so the local temp table will not be available in that session.

    Anyway, when I am using local temp table, it is throwing the Invalid object name error in my laptop itself.



  • Sree

    Please will you post your query so that we can see whether there is any better way of doing this. I don't think your SELECT INTO syntax is correct.



  • sreecareer (9/6/2010)

    Thank you for the quick reply...

    I think, I need a global temp table because I am using EXEC('query') also in the SP to insert to the temp table. If we use EXEC, I think, it will create a local connection again, and so the local temp table will not be available in that session.

    Not entirely true.. Dynamic queries can refer a temp table created in the parent session.. Surprised? Here is a code snippet to check it :



    SET @Dyn_SQL = ''

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Temp

    ; with cte (N) as


    select 1 n union all

    select 1 n union all

    select 1 n union all

    select 1 n union all

    select 1 n


    SELECT N into #Temp FROM cte

    SELECT @Dyn_SQL = 'SELECT N FROM #Temp ; UPDATE #Temp SET N = N + 1 ; SELECT N FROM #Temp ; DROP TABLE #Temp '

    EXEC (@Dyn_SQL)


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