Hiding the Show/Hide details button on the Report Server

  • Although you can make a folder invisible in the view list, if you click on show details, the folder shows up and the user has access to it. This ocurrs even if the user has the bare minimum permissions. I need to hide this button so the user cannot go to details view.

    You may ask, why not just block access to the folder.

    The answer is that reports located in that folder have to be able to be called by users through other software, using reportviewer. Blocking access from the server also blocks access via the software.

    In short, I need to hide the show/hide details button on the toolbar.

    Thank you.

  • IT seems to me you might be able to accomplish by modifying the aspx pages that run the report manager, though note that any upgrades/service packs etc might break it. You say the reports need to be accessed by another piece of software and that's why they need to be accessible. Is there any chance you might be able to change the credentials that the other piece of software uses to access those reports? That way you can all access to that folder for that user and exclude the rest of your users.


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  • Yeah, I am having the same issue. In doing some research on the MSDN blog, I've found that there really is no way to do this except for the modification of the .css file (which will hide it for ALL users including Admins). The only real way to do away with it at this point would be to write your own SSRS site (web page) with a custom security extension. This take time and dollars....

    Unless anyone else knows otherwise??

  • To hide the 'Show Details' button, add the following to your ReportingServices.css file.



    visibility: hidden;


    As stated this does hide the Show Details button for everyone, including Admins. However, I created a Bookmark that allows me and others to toggle the Details and List Views in my Favorites Toolbar. This works for IE. I have not tested it for other browsers.

    To create the Toggle button in your Favorites Bar, follow the instructions below.

    1.Create any favorite on the Favorites Bar.

    2.Right-click on the Favorite and select Properties.

    3.Select the General tab and rename the Favorite.

    4.Select Web Document tab and in the URL add the Javascript.

    5.The JavaScript is as follows:

    function gotoDetailhref(eid){var elmt = document.getElementById(eid); if (elmt != null){ window.location = elmt.href; } } gotoDetailhref("ui_btnSwitchView");

    6.Select OK.

    (58.30115757480578, -134.4143772125244)

  • I do not know if this is what you require but this is how we deal with the issue of hiding details buttons.

    We create a new report that acts as a menu for a set of reports and then publish this to the reports server.

    Next we edit the url of the 'menu report' as follows:



    to this


    The we send the 'menu' link to the users. If they access reports through this link it hides the details, etc.

    There is one drawback to this approach - if the reports has user selectable parameters then this approach does not work. What we do then is for any reports with parameters that needs to be selected we add the original link as a url to the menu. This will then show the buttons which was what you wnated to avoid. I guess therefore this is only a partial solution, but it is one that we have been happy with so far.

    It was interesting seeing the other approach listed here and this is something that I may look at in the future.


  • This worked great for me! The only modification I made was to prefix the function link with "javascript :" (no space) and ignored the error that javascript does not have a registered program. I also named my Favorite as "Toggle View". Thanks!! 🙂

  • Hi All,

    As thom sugessted, I have fallowed all his instructions like placing the code in the .CSS file

    So first bit is working fine then come to second bit like creating favourite link

    as he suggested that we should have to paste that Java Script in the URL

    I don't understand this part where I need to place that Java script I mean is that after URL or anywhere else ?

    http://servername/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?/function gotoDetailhref(eid){var elmt = document.getElementById(eid); if (elmt != null){ window.location = elmt.href; } } gotoDetailhref("ui_btnSwitchView")";

    this is what I tried but I can't able to see DetailView I should have to see detail view bcz I'm admin

    Can anyone guide me through ?

  • This is what my Favorite (URL) looks like. It actually starts with "javascript" colon. I type the word colon here because if I type it with the word javascript, the editor strips it out automatically when I post.

    javascript-colon function gotoDetailhref(eid){var elmt = document.getElementById(eid); if (elmt != null){ window.location = elmt.href; } } gotoDetailhref("ui_btnSwitchView");

  • Thanks for your reply. So you want me to try like this

    So initially URL does have http://server .......... so I should have to delete this then

    I need to paste the below code in the URL box right ? Please correct me if I'm wrong

    ""function gotoDetailhref(eid){var elmt = document.getElementById(eid); if (elmt != null){ window.location = elmt.href; } } gotoDetailhref("ui_btnSwitchView");

    in the Colons I should have to put javascript

    if you have give me other example thanks for your help

  • Yes, in the quotes put javascript with a ":" colon.

  • I tried but it is not working in my case. The page is not opening ( which was favourite)

    I don't understand where I was doing mistake

  • That may be because the page is not supposed to open.

    It only works when you are displaying Report Manager, and merely toggles the view between Details and back.

  • I have tried that but it is not working in my case. The page is not able to open (which was created favourite)

    I don't understand where I was doing mistake

  • hi

  • Hi I have tried but it is not working in my case. Even the page can't able to open (which was favorite)

    I don't understand where I was doing mistake.

    Can anyone guide me


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