Include the number of row returned

  • Nice little procedure, I have it in just another version:

    Really often you need to know if its the last page in the data, and yes you can have .Net to ask on the DataSet.

    Here is a simple return that gives the number of rows returned.


    declare @i as int

    exec @i=dbo.usp_ShowBooks 1,230

    select @i as numofrows

    Here it is worked in the Lawrence version

    create PROCEDURE dbo.usp_ShowBooks

    @PageNumber INT,

    @PageSize INT



    set nocount on

    ;WITH BookCTE (RowNumber, BookAuthor, BookTitle, BookEdition)




    ROW_NUMBER()OVER (ORDER BY BookAuthor , BookTitle, BookEdition),

    BookAuthor, BookTitle, BookEdition

    FROM dbo.Books


    SELECT TOP (@PageSize) RowNumber, BookAuthor, BookTitle, BookEdition

    FROM BookCTE WHERE RowNumber>((@PageNumber-1)*@PageSize)

    ORDER BY BookAuthor, BookTitle, BookEdition

    return @@rowcount


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