Publication Database moving to different Storage

  • Hi,

    I have publication database and distributor configured on a Data1 Mount Volume and they are growing beyond anticipated, the database has already reached 90% of the storage.

    Below steps are what i want to follow, please correct if I missed anything.

    1. Take SQL Server offline.

    2. copy MDF files from Data1 to new mount Volume

    3. delete Data 1 mount point and add new volume as Data1

    4. Restart SQL Server

    I think this should start SQL Server with Distributor and Publication up and running as the File location structure for MDF for both publication database and distributor didn't change.

    Can someone confirm or do i need to change anything.


  • Why don't you just add storage to the drive?

    Also determine why your distribution database is growing so large. Check on the clean-up process. Try reviewing this link :


    Jeff Bennett

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