Varchar column conversion

  • Hi,

    I havve a table with a column dateofbirth that is stored as Varchar.

    It has values like 02/25/2009, March 23rd 2008, and Wednesday April 2nd 2009.

    I need to convert this column to data type datetime.

    Any idea that can assist?

  • Please look into the following ones

    If the varchar contains Day [Mon or tue..etc] or rd/nd/th [2nd ,12th,23rd] it doesnt allow to use cast ...

    SELECT CAST ('02/25/2009' as DATETIME)

    SELECT CAST ('March 23 2008' as DATETIME)

    SELECT CAST ('April 2 2009' as DATETIME)

  • You may have to strip out the 'nd', 'rd' from April 2nd, April 3rd etc using REPLACE.

    See CAST AND CONVERT in MSDN for a full description

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