patindex - search for either value

  • I am looking for a pattern that will help me do the following...

    I have a table with a column i want to search.



    here is my phone number 12345678. but my cell is 44444444.

    987654321 is my balance

    i like the number 55555555. it is cool


    I want to search the table and find the position of 1234% or 4444%

    i was thinking patindex is correct to use here but tell me if i am wrong...

    select patindex('%(1234|4444)%',PatternString)

    from tableA

    but this doesn't work...

    this does though...

    select patindex('%4444%',PatternString) from tableA

    select patindex('%1234%',PatternString) from tableA

    I want to get it to a single pattern. Anyone know how?

  • Something like this?

    CREATE TABLE #TableA ( id INT,columnA VARCHAR(200))


    SELECT 1,'here is my phone number 12345678. but my cell is 44444444.' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'987654321 is my balance' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,'i like the number 55555555. it is cool' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,'66666666'

    SELECT id, MIN(PATINDEX(n,columnA)) AS pos

    FROM #TableA



    SELECT '%4444%' AS n UNION ALL

    SELECT '%123%'


    GROUP BY id

    DROP TABLE #TableA

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  • lmu92 (4/2/2010)

    Something like this?

    CREATE TABLE #TableA ( id INT,columnA VARCHAR(200))


    SELECT 1,'here is my phone number 12345678. but my cell is 44444444.' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'987654321 is my balance' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,'i like the number 55555555. it is cool' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,'66666666'

    SELECT id, MIN(PATINDEX(n,columnA)) AS pos

    FROM #TableA



    SELECT '%4444%' AS n UNION ALL

    SELECT '%123%'


    GROUP BY id

    DROP TABLE #TableA

    Can you please explain what are you doing in this query...Thanx

    Vaibhav K Tiwari
    To walk fast walk alone
    To walk far walk together

  • DECLARE @Table

    TABLE (


    data VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL


    INSERT @Table (data)

    SELECT 'here is my phone number 12345678. but my cell is 44444444.' UNION ALL

    SELECT '987651234 is my balance' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'i like the number 4444444. it is cool' UNION ALL

    SELECT '66666666';

    SELECT id,

    pos =


    -- Find the lowest of the positions found

    SELECT MIN(Positions.pos)

    FROM (

    -- Try to find both patterns

    SELECT pos = CHARINDEX('4444',


    SELECT pos = CHARINDEX('1234',

    ) Positions

    -- Exclude cases where no match ws found

    WHERE Positions.pos > 0


    FROM @Table T;

    I changed the sample data a little to be more useful :doze:

  • Here is a small example of what I am trying to do...


    declare @String varchar(300)

    set @String = 'here is my phone number 1234567890. but my cell is 4444444444, and my work number is 5555555555. i said my my phone number 1234567890. and my cell is 4444444444, and my work number is 5555555555. '

    select @String

    While patindex('%1234[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',@String) > 0


    Set @String = STUFF(@String,patindex('%1234[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',@String)+4,6,REPLICATE('x',6))

    select @String


    While patindex('%4444[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',@String) > 0


    Set @String = STUFF(@String,patindex('%1234[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',@String)+6,6,REPLICATE('x',6))

    select @String


    select @String


    i want to mask the phone number... but i also dont want to have the second while loop as there could be many occurances of area codes (eg. 1234, 4444), so i wanted to see if anyone knew how to do a pattern with a logical OR (OR |) in it, to remove the second While loop??


    Thanks for the other example, but thats not what I am looking for...

  • DECLARE @String VARCHAR(300);

    SET @String =

    'here is my phone number 1234567890. but my cell is 4444444444, ' +

    'and my work number is 5555555555. i said my my phone number 1234567890. ' +

    'and my cell is 4444444444, and my work number is 5555555555.';

    WITH Numbers (n)

    AS (

    -- Numbers 1...length of string




    FROM master.sys.columns C1,

    master.sys.columns C2,

    master.sys.columns C3


    SELECT @String = STUFF(@String, N.n + 4, 6, REPLICATE('X', 6))

    FROM Numbers N

    WHERE SUBSTRING(@String, N.n, 10) LIKE '4444[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'

    OR SUBSTRING(@String, N.n, 10) LIKE '1234[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';

    SELECT @String;

  • Paul,

    Thanks for your reply. Your way works, but is there a way to have a "OR" in the RegEx?

    1234 OR 4444

  • In books online (under "LIKE Comparisons") I found no syntax to support an OR. Nothing under the index topics of PATINDEX or WILDCARD, either.



    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Mr Guy-323725 (4/2/2010)

    Thanks for your reply. Your way works, but is there a way to have a "OR" in the RegEx?

    It is not a regular expression, and no there is not an explicit OR.

    If you need full regular expressions, these are available via SQLCLR integration.

    Test the performance of the method I posted, you will find it t be very respectable.

  • Thanks Guys!

    I will be modifying what Paul wrote to make is a bit more dynamic and suit what my App needs.


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