Import Multiple XML files into Sql Server using SSIS

  • Hello All...

    I have a set of XML files which I need to import into database on Regular basis(after validating some business logic).

    I want this to be a scheduled Job in database

    Hence started creating an SSIS package to import the XML data into Database table.

    I tried the SSIS package with a single XML and it worked very well

    I am using Data Flow section with XML Source and Sql Server Destination tools init.

    I am just selecting an XML in the XML Source and genenerating an XSD and doing the import process by connect XML source to Sql Server Destination

    How can I make this process generic, so that works for all the list of XML files stored in a perticluar location on my server.

    Please help me with the steps

    Thanku in advance

  • Fairly sure you will be able to adapt the method for importing multiple files shown here

    provided that the definition of the xml files are the same and that they are all saved into the same folder.

    Basically a for each container with you dataflow inside it, that loop through a folder and get the file name which is then passed to the xml source component

  • Hi There,

    The process for loading .csv files or .txt files is pretty much clear.

    But the process to load xml files is a bit confusing since I can't use Flat File Connection manager to get the data from .xml files and to set the Connection String proprty.

    Please give me the detailed process to load the .xml files into db using For Each Loop container in SSIS.

    Please reply if I am not elaborative about the problem.



  • Hey Sultan,

    Did you figure out how to XML files? I am having the same requirement now.

    Even I am confused as to how to map the variable in FELC as there is no conn str unlike flatfile or Eccel.

    Please share your experience.

  • I'm having the same issue, anybody.

  • It seems that importing multiple XML files is a common problem. I need help as well. Anyone out there that can help. Please.....

  • I suppose this thread is not so current, but as I just worked on this I can share the following:

    Indeed, there is no separate Connection Manager to edit.

    But there is a property for both the xml file path and the xsd file path on the parent Data Flow Task itself.

    You can set the Expression for both of those in the Expressions for the Data Flow Task in the same way as you do the Connection String for a Flat File Source.

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