Help in writing Query for hall booking date availability search

  • I need help in writing query to find the time slot availability for a hall booking system.. details are given below

    I have a Hall table which stores the hall details and HallBooking table which stores the start and from time of the bookings done..


    - HallId

    - Name


    - HallBookingId

    - HallId

    - BookingPersonName

    - StartDateTime

    - EndDateTime

    A user can search for hall availability by specifying a start datetime and end datetime.. the query should pick and show whether the hall is available for that time..

    If the time slot is NOT available the query should pick available slots with same duration for that day and show to the user.

    Thanks in advance


  • Anzer Muhammad

    An interesting and challenging question.

    However it is more likely to be answered if you follow the examples of how to post a question (refer to the link in my signature block). Please expand you question to include table definitions (Create Table ...) as well as some sample data for those tables. Also include what you expect the output to be.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • So you should start with a "timeslot" table.

    Did you read these wonderful articles ?

    - The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop. By Jeff Moden

    Look for "How about making a "shift" table "

    - Generating Missing Dates and Numbers By Jacob Sebastian

    - Useful Dates: The Many Uses of Date Tables By Brandon Galderisi


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  • The time slot is flexible. Users can choose the start and end from any time to any time, but with in a day. So I think I can not have an available slot table..

  • After spending lot of time on this I got that its very very difficult to solve this problem unless I have an available slots table.. but as I posted earlier, the slots are flexible and can be choosen from any time to any time with in a day.. so managing all the available slots in a predefined table is not possible..

    A solution I was thinking is to write a view from the current booking table which will show all the slots available from the current bookings.. Can anyone please help me on this

    The table structures, sample data and expected results are below



    hallIdINT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ),


    hallStartingTimeINT, -- 11 AM will be stored as 660 and 2 PM will be stored as 840

    hallClosingTimeINT, -- same comment for the above column



    CREATE TABLE Hallbooking


    hallBookingId INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ),

    hallId INT,

    startDatetime DATETIME,

    endDatetime DATETIME


    -- halls

    INSERT INTO Halls VALUES ('Hall 1', 540, 1320, 500) --available from 9 AM till 10 PM

    INSERT INTO Halls VALUES ('Hall 2', 840, 1350, 200) --available from 2 PM till 10:30 PM

    INSERT INTO Halls VALUES ('Hall3', 450, 1410, 400) --available from 7:30 AM till 11:30 PM

    --bookings for 10/26

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-26 11:00:00', '2009-10-26 11:30:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (2, '2009-10-26 16:15:00', '2009-10-26 19:30:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-26 12:30:00', '2009-10-26 14:00:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-26 16:00:00', '2009-10-26 18:00:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (2, '2009-10-26 19:30:00', '2009-10-26 21:15:00')

    --bookings for 10/28

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-28 10:00:00', '2009-10-28 11:30:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (2, '2009-10-28 18:15:00', '2009-10-28 19:00:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-28 14:05:00', '2009-10-28 16:10:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (1, '2009-10-28 18:30:00', '2009-10-28 20:00:00')

    INSERT INTO Hallbooking VALUES (2, '2009-10-28 21:30:00', '2009-10-28 22:15:00')


    hallId startDatetime endDatetime

    ----------- ----------------------- -----------------------

    1 2009-10-26 9:00:00.000 2009-10-26 11:00:00.000--from opening time till first booking

    1 2009-10-26 11:30:00.000 2009-10-26 12:30:00.000--from first bookings end time till next bookings starting time

    1 2009-10-26 14:00:00.000 2009-10-26 16:00:00.000

    1 2009-10-26 18:00:00.000 2009-10-26 22:00:00.000-- from last booking time till Hall closing time

    1 2009-10-28 9:00:00.000 2009-10-28 10:00:00.000--from opening time till first booking

    1 2009-10-28 11:30:00.000 2009-10-28 14:05:00.000

    1 2009-10-28 16:10:00.000 2009-10-28 18:30:00.000

    1 2009-10-28 20:00:00.000 2009-10-28 22:00:00.000-- from last booking time for the Day till Hall closing time

    2 2009-10-26 14:00:00.000 2009-10-26 16:15:00.000-- from opening time till first booking

    2 2009-10-26 21:15:00.000 2009-10-26 22:30:00.000-- from last booking time for the Day till Hall closing time

    2 2009-10-28 14:00:00.000 2009-10-28 18:15:00.000-- from opening time till first booking

    2 2009-10-28 19:00:00.000 2009-10-28 21:30:00.000

    2 2009-10-28 22:15:00.000 2009-10-28 22:30:00.000-- from last booking time for the Day till Hall closing time

  • -

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sorry, no time for putting proper comments in there, I hope you can figure it out yourself.

    Column N_Date in table Tally contains all sequential dates from '1900-01-01' to '2076-12-31'.

    select H.hallId, T.N_Date, DATEADD(n, H.hallStartingTime, T.N_Date) Avail_From, ISNULL(MIN(B.startDatetime), DATEADD(n, H.hallClosingTime, T.N_Date) ) AS Avail_To

    -- from beginning of the day to the next appointment

    from Halls H

    INNER JOIN dbo.Tally T ON T.N_Date >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7*7, 0) AND T.N_Date < DATEADD(dd, (DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7+1)*7, 0)

    left join Hallbooking B ON H.hallId = B.hallId AND B.startDatetime > T.N_Date AND B.startDatetime < T.N_Date+1

    AND B.startDatetime > DATEADD(n, H.hallStartingTime, T.N_Date)

    GROUP BY H.hallId, H.hallClosingTime, H.hallStartingTime, T.N_Date


    select H.hallId, T.N_Date, ISNULL(MAX(B.endDatetime), DATEADD(n, H.hallStartingTime, T.N_Date)) AS Avail_From, DATEADD(n, H.hallClosingTime, T.N_Date) Avail_To

    -- from the last appointment to end of the day

    from Halls H

    INNER JOIN dbo.Tally T ON T.N_Date >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7*7, 0) AND T.N_Date < DATEADD(dd, (DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7+1)*7, 0)

    left join Hallbooking B ON H.hallId = B.hallId AND B.endDatetime > T.N_Date AND B.endDatetime < T.N_Date+1

    AND B.endDatetime < DATEADD(n, H.hallClosingTime, T.N_Date)

    GROUP BY H.hallId, H.hallStartingTime, H.hallClosingTime, T.N_Date


    select B1.hallId, T.N_Date, B1.endDatetime AS Avail_From, MIN(B2.startDatetime) Avail_To

    -- slots between appointments

    from dbo.Tally T

    INNER join Hallbooking B1 ON B1.endDatetime > T.N_Date AND B1.endDatetime < T.N_Date+1

    INNER JOIN Hallbooking B2 ON B2.hallId = B1.hallId AND B2.startDatetime > B1.endDatetime AND B2.endDatetime < T.N_Date+1

    WHERE T.N_Date >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7*7, 0) AND T.N_Date < DATEADD(dd, (DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())/7+1)*7, 0)

    GROUP BY B1.hallId, B1.endDatetime, T.N_Date

    ORDER BY H.hallId, Avail_From, Avail_To

    I believe this returns availability slots you were looking for.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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