PROFILER - Trace Templates that include Groups

  • Does anyone know if it is possible to save to template a Trace file that includes 1 or more GROUP items? When I setup a Trace Temploate and within the ORGANIZE COLUMNS feature I move a column up until it is in the GROUP area I can use the trace but it will not let me save that as a Template. The SAVE menu items are all dimmed out.

    If I edit a template to include that change, moving a column up into a GROUP, it will let me save the Template but that change is not actually saved and this can be verified because then next trace created from this template does not include any columns in the GROUP area.


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • Instead of doing new trace and then save as a template have you you tried using File -> Templates -> New Template? I was able to create a template that has a group via this method. I am attaching the file.

  • Jack Corbett (9/17/2009)

    Instead of doing new trace and then save as a template have you you tried using File -> Templates -> New Template? I was able to create a template that has a group via this method. I am attaching the file.

    Well that did work. I guess this is just a bug in Profiler, that you can't set a template to include Column Grouping unless you do it as you have described above,


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • Yeah, I'd say it might be bug. It's definitely an interesting problem regardless.

  • I assume then that it happened to you as well when trying to do this Template edit/save in some way other then you described as the solution?

    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • Yup. It was using Profiler 2008 as well.

  • Hey All

    I have made a Server Side Trace, and have TRC file.

    I need to load data, and group this data

    template with group only groups on eventid.

    If I have following statements

    exec usp_GetData @personid=1000

    exec usp_GetData @personid=1001

    exec usp_GetData @personid=1002

    exec usp_GetData @personid=1003

    exec usp_GetData @personid=1004

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = 1000

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = 1001

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = 1002

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = 1003

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = 1004

    select count(1) members, role from dbo.servicelog where personid < 10000 and personid > 999 group by role order by members

    Then I want to end up with 3 rows

    TextData Hits Duration

    ----- ----- ------

    exec usp_GetData 5 15101

    select personid, fullname, role, last_login_time from dbo.servicelog where personid = ... 5 16126

    select count(1) members, role from dbo.servicelog where personid < ... and personid > ... group by role order by members 1 244335

    This will give me a impression on how many times a statements has been run, how long time users has spend waiting, what average is on a single run

    From what I can see is this not possible using group by ;(

    Hope someone can help me

  • SpiderDK,

    Your issue really should be a separate thread as it doesn't really have to do with Trace Templates. Having said that, you need to find a way to "normalize" your queries. Basically you need to have a way that converts your values to parameters. Fortunately there is an application that will do all this for you and it is called ClearTrace. The only issue you might have with this application is that it creates it's own database to handle the results.

  • Thanks

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