Drop failed for user

  • How do I find out what it is connected to so I can drop it? Any help would be great! :crazy:

    See error message below when ever I try to delete it;

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Drop failed for User 'username'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Drop+User&LinkId=20476



    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


    The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot be dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15136)

    For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=15136&LinkId=20476





    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • it sounds like you may have an execute as username in a stored procedure or function, and that is why it will not allow you to drop the user.

  • I know but how do i find out which ones? 😀

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • I use a free utility called SQLDigger that allows you to search sprocs for a string. You can do a search for the username and it should find any sprocs that use that username.

  • I can't use the version because I am already on .net 3.5.

    any other suggestions, please I really need help on deleting the user!:crying:

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • I have .net 3.5 + sp1 and SQLDigger works fine, although it's possible that I installed it before I had that framework installed. I just confirmed that SQLdigger is functioning OK though. May be worth a try. You could also try searching syscomments for the user, but if you do that, some sprocs will span multiple records in that view so the username could be split in 2 if that makes sense, but it's worth a try as well.

  • To list all modules where an "execute as" has been specified, you can run the below SQL.

    SELECTobjects.type_desc AS ObjectTypeDescription

    ,objects.type AS ObjectTypeCd

    ,SCHEMA_NAME(objects.SCHEMA_ID) AS SchemaName

    ,objects.nameAS ObjectName

    ,USER_NAME(sql_modules.execute_as_principal_id) ExecAsUserName



    FROMsys.objectsAS objects

    JOINsys.sql_modulesAS sql_modules

    ON sql_modules.OBJECT_ID= objects.OBJECT_ID

    WHEREsql_modules.execute_as_principal_id IS NOT NULL -- Exec As is not "owner"


    COALESCE(objects.principal_id , objects.SCHEMA_ID )

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Nothing shows up. There has to be a way for force a drop user.

    thanks gor you help.....


    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • Try this script to find a term in just about any SQL object.


    SET @searchFor = 'search term'

    SELECT OBJECT.object_id,

    OBJECT.name [object_name],

    schemas.name [schema_name],

    stored_procedures.type_desc [object_description],

    parameters_types.name [parameter_data_type],


    WHEN Len(parameters.name) = 0

    THEN '(no name)'

    ELSE parameters.name

    END [parameter_name],

    parameters.is_output [parameter_is_output],

    parameters.has_default_value [parameter_has_default_value],

    parameters.default_value [parameter_default_value],


    WHEN parameters.max_length = -1

    THEN parameters_types.max_length

    ELSE parameters.max_length

    END [parameter_max_length],

    parameters.PRECISION [parameter_precision],

    parameters.scale [parameter_scale],


    WHEN parameters.parameter_id = 0

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END [parameter_is_return_value],


    WHEN sql_modules.definition IS NULL

    THEN 'encrypted'

    ELSE sql_modules.definition

    END [definition]

    FROM sys.objects OBJECT

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas

    ON schemas.schema_id = OBJECT.schema_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects stored_procedures

    ON stored_procedures.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND stored_procedures.TYPE = 'P'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects aggregate_functions

    ON aggregate_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND aggregate_functions.TYPE = 'AF'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects check_constraints

    ON check_constraints.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND check_constraints.TYPE = 'C'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects default_constraints

    ON default_constraints.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND default_constraints.TYPE = 'D'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects foreign_key_constraints

    ON foreign_key_constraints.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND foreign_key_constraints.TYPE = 'F'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects primary_key_constraints

    ON primary_key_constraints.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND primary_key_constraints.TYPE = 'PK'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects assembly_stored_procedures

    ON assembly_stored_procedures.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND assembly_stored_procedures.TYPE = 'PC'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects scalar_functions

    ON scalar_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND scalar_functions.TYPE = 'FN'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects assembly_scalar_functions

    ON assembly_scalar_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND assembly_scalar_functions.TYPE = 'FS'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects assembly_table_functions

    ON assembly_table_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND assembly_table_functions.TYPE = 'FT'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects rules

    ON rules.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND rules.TYPE = 'R'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects replication_filter_procedures

    ON replication_filter_procedures.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND replication_filter_procedures.TYPE = 'RF'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects system_base_tables

    ON system_base_tables.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND system_base_tables.TYPE = 'S'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects synonyms

    ON synonyms.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND synonyms.TYPE = 'SN'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects service_queues

    ON service_queues.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND service_queues.TYPE = 'SQ'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects assembly_dml_triggers

    ON assembly_dml_triggers.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND assembly_dml_triggers.TYPE = 'TA'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects inline_table_functions

    ON inline_table_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND inline_table_functions.TYPE = 'IF'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects table_functions

    ON table_functions.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND table_functions.TYPE = 'TF'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects tables

    ON tables.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND tables.TYPE = 'U'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects unique_constraints

    ON unique_constraints.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND unique_constraints.TYPE = 'UQ'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects VIEWS

    ON VIEWS.object_id = OBJECT.object_id


    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects extended_stored_procedures

    ON extended_stored_procedures.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND extended_stored_procedures.TYPE = 'X'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects internal_tables

    ON internal_tables.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    AND internal_tables.TYPE = 'IT'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_parameters parameters

    ON parameters.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types parameters_types

    ON parameters_types.user_type_id = parameters.user_type_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_sql_modules sql_modules

    ON sql_modules.object_id = OBJECT.object_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.routines routines

    ON routines.routine_schema = schemas.name

    AND routines.routine_name = OBJECT.name

    LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.routine_columns routine_columns

    ON routine_columns.table_schema = schemas.name

    AND routine_columns.table_name = OBJECT.name

    LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.view_column_usage view_columns

    ON view_columns.view_schema = schemas.name

    AND view_columns.view_name = VIEWS.name

    WHERE sql_modules.definition LIKE '%' + @searchFor + '%'


    In my service Broker there where emails with Q's on them, after deleteing them I was able to drop the user. :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • Hi Journeyman,

    That is an excellent script and it will be useful for a number of things. Thanks for posting that. I wonder if you see this response, do you know how I can revoke the "with execute as ..." on an SP I have tried the revoke execute on object..." but that does not work. Or do I simply have to drop and re-create the SP, is that the only way.

    Thanks again for the post


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