Searching for case sensitive data

  • SQL newbie using MS SQL 2005.

    Have customer order table with customer order numbers that are prefixed with "CQS" followed by a 7 digit number.

    Example: CQS0002537.

    Somehow users managed to input some of the customer order numbers as lower case "cqs0002536" instead of the correct upper case CQSxxxxxx.

    Question: what is the syntax of a sql script/query to search the co_num column in the customers table to show just

    the data that is "cqs%" but not return "CQS%".

    Would also like to know how to do the same for the inverse (show only the upper case "CQS" but not the

    lower case "cqs").

    I tried the Upper and Lower functions but it showed all results in either upper/lower case - it did not show the data as it really exists.

    Looking for best method to search for case sensitive data.



  • Hi

    The answer depends on your future requirements. If it is just a temporary failure you can use COLLATE within the WHERE clause to specify the column as case-sensitive. If this is/becomes a standard requirement you should set the collation of the column to case-sensitive.

    Here a little sample for both approaches:



    Id INT,

    CS_text VARCHAR(30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS,

    CI_text VARCHAR(30)



    SELECT 1, 'hello', 'world'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Hello', 'World'

    SELECT *

    FROM @t

    WHERE CS_text = 'Hello'

    SELECT *

    FROM @t

    WHERE CI_text COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS = 'World'



  • Data in co_num column of customer table shows:













    Tried the select statement as follows:

    SELECT *

    FROM co

    WHERE co_num COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS like 'cqs%'








    which is exactly what I want πŸ™‚

    Now I need to fix the data using the following Update command

    update co

    set co_num = 'cqs0002515'

    where co_num = 'CQS0002515'

    Is there a way to update a group of records such as all "cqs%" to become "CQS%"?

  • Hi

    What about UPPER? πŸ˜‰



    txt VARCHAR(30)



    SELECT 'CQS0002509'



    UNION ALL SELECT 'cqs0002512'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'cqs0002513'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'cqs0002514'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'cqs0002515'






    UPDATE t SET txt = UPPER(txt)

    FROM @t t

    WHERE txt COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS LIKE 'cqs%'

    SELECT * FROM @t



  • Is there a way to update a group of records such as all "cqs%" to become "CQS%"?

    Keeping it simple....

    UPDATE sometable

    SET someColumn = REPLACE(someColumn,'cqs','CQS')

    WHERE somecolumn LIKE 'cqs%'

    Sorry to butt in, Flo, but you're answering ALL the questions!! πŸ˜›

    Now for the time trial results. You won the first round because of the COLLATE in the WHERE clause. That was shrewd because it changed ONLY those rows with a lower case 'cqs'. I would still avoid doing that as a matter of practice, because there might be some mixed case characters lurking in there as well.

    However, it seems that the REPLACE function is about 10% faster than the UPPER function. I assume that it was quicker to test every character to see if it was a 'c' (and replace only three) faster than it was to run the UPPER conversion on every character.

    By the way, my compliments on the Tally thread. It has been fascinating to follow. I haven't thought of any alternatives worth adding to the thread, but it has been thought provoking and educational all the same. I haven't seen such substantive debate going on in any forum outside SSC. Congratulations! πŸ™‚

    ;with Tally (N) AS (SELECT TOP 10000 ROW_NUMBER() over (order by FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1)

    select 'cqs'+LEFT('00000'+CAST(N as varchar(10)),10) as keyno

    into #testTable

    from tally

    create unique clustered index #pk_TestTable on #testTable ( keyno )

    update #testTable

    set Keyno = UPPER(keyNo)

    where keyNo like '%1%'

    set statistics time on;

    print '--Flo'

    UPDATE #testTable

    SET keyno = UPPER(keyNo)

    FROM #testTable t

    WHERE keyNo COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS LIKE 'cqs%'

    set statistics time off;

    -- reset

    update #testTable

    set Keyno = lower(keyNo)

    where keyNo not like '%1%'

    set statistics time on;

    print '--Bob'

    UPDATE #testTable

    SET keyno = REPLACE(keyNo,'cqs','CQS')

    WHERE keyNo COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS LIKE 'cqs%'

    set statistics time off;

    drop table #testTable


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Hi Bob!

    Bob Hovious (4/15/2009)

    Is there a way to update a group of records such as all "cqs%" to become "CQS%"?

    Keeping it simple....

    UPDATE sometable

    SET someColumn = REPLACE(someColumn,'cqs','CQS')

    WHERE somecolumn LIKE 'cqs%'

    Now for the time trial results. You won the first round because of the COLLATE in the WHERE clause. That was shrewd because it changed ONLY those rows with a lower case 'cqs'. I would still avoid doing that as a matter of practice, because there might be some mixed case characters lurking in there as well.

    However, it seems that the REPLACE function is about 10% faster than the UPPER function. I assume that it was quicker to test every character to see if it was a 'c' (and replace only three) faster than it was to run the UPPER conversion on every character.

    Just for fun, a different solution. The test results a bit strange. Sometimes the STUFF seems to be faster than the REPLACE and sometimes other way around. I also tested 'CQS' + SUBSTRING... but seems to be slower. Same with RIGHT...

    --- reset

    update #testTable

    set Keyno = lower(keyNo)

    where keyNo not like '%1%'

    set statistics time on;

    print '--Flo 2'

    UPDATE #testTable

    SET keyno = STUFF(keyNo, 1, 3, 'CQS')

    WHERE keyNo COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS LIKE 'cqs%'

    set statistics time off;

    Sorry to butt in, Flo, but you're answering ALL the questions!! πŸ˜›


    Sorry for that, I've not been online the most of the day and just have been a bore.


    By the way, my compliments on the Tally thread. It has been fascinating to follow. I haven't thought of any alternatives worth adding to the thread, but it has been thought provoking and educational all the same. I haven't seen such substantive debate going on in any forum outside SSC. Congratulations! πŸ™‚

    Yes, it has been a really great discussion! I never saw so much input by so many professionals in any other thread. I'm still doin' some many tests, also for some other CLR approaches. When I'm done I'll share it with you!



  • Just share it with the entire thread and I'll read it.

    Like Jeff, I'm now thinking that I will have to learn to code CLR in self defense. πŸ˜‰


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks Flo and Bob:

    The Collate statement allowed me to find the incorrect string and the Update query allowed me to correct the data

    UPDATE sometable

    SET someColumn = REPLACE(someColumn,'cqs','CQS')

    WHERE somecolumn LIKE 'cqs%'

    Thanks again:-)

  • You're welcome, Ron. Hope we didn't overwhelm you with detail. πŸ˜‰

    These sidebar discussions often go into way more minutiae than is required to solve your problem, but sometimes they dredge up some really good information. For one-shot fixes, you may not care whether you fix it with UPPER, REPLACE, STUFF, 'CQS'+SUBSTRING(), or 'CQS'+RIGHT(). But when you get to coding transactions with high volumes, it might be a good thing to know which functions are easier on the CPU. Best of luck to you.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Just a side note. If case is that important to the application then, in my opinion, the application should be upper-casing the string in the first place. Yeah you can do it in the SQL if you need to, but that should be part of the validation.

  • By the way, my compliments on the Tally thread. It has been fascinating to follow. I haven't thought of any alternatives worth adding to the thread, but it has been thought provoking and educational all the same. I haven't seen such substantive debate going on in any forum outside SSC. Congratulations!

    Do you mind posting the link to this thread. I must have missed it.


    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Somehow users managed to input some of the customer order numbers as lower case

    Looks like they tried and failed, Jack. The counter-argument would be that if that column used an uppercase-only collation (or added UPPER to all procs that do inserts), then it wouldn't matter if the application code was broken. I know scrubbing is more of a load on the SQL server, but enforcing data integrity is a primary role of a database.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Do you mind posting the link to this thread. I must have missed it.

    Here you go. Flo stirred up quite a debate by identifying a situation where RBAR using CLR was outperforming the set-based solution.

    Performance issue with tally solution


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks a bunch.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Jack Corbett (4/16/2009)

    Just a side note. If case is that important to the application then, in my opinion, the application should be upper-casing the string in the first place. Yeah you can do it in the SQL if you need to, but that should be part of the validation.

    Never thought I would ever have a different opinion than you, but never say never.

    I strongly advise to move this task to the DB side. Thats why we have constraints within the DB as well. We don't trust the application by definition πŸ˜€

    (It could also be that I misunderstood you and you meant to only validate the UPPER case in the DB, but UPPER the data itself in the application)

    Best Regards,

    Chris BΓΌttner

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