Changing Logon account for SQL Server Service using VBScript.

  • I am trying to change the LogOn account for all SQL Server related services from LocalSystem to a domain account user details. I am using the below VBScript code, but doesn't work. It displays an error dialog box which says :

    Line 14

    Parameter is Incorrect

    Error code : 80070057

    Source : SWbemObjectEx

    Can someone tell what is the solution please.


    Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")

    sLogin = objNet.UserDomain & "\" & objNet.UserName

    sPwd = InputBox("Please enter your password for the " & sLogin & " to login as service for SQL Server: ")

    Set oWMI = GetObject( "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2" )

    Set oServices = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE DisplayName like 'SQL%' and StartName = 'LocalSystem'", "WQL")

    For each oService in oServices

    Wscript.Echo "Service Name :" & oService.Name

    Set oSQLService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement:SqlService.ServiceName='" & oService.Name & "',SQLServiceType=1")

    iError = oSQLService.SetServiceAccount sLogin, sPwd)

    If (iError <> 0) Then

    Wscript.Echo "Error"


    Wscript.Echo "Success"

    End If



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