convert datatype DT_STRING to DT_DBDATE in ssis

  • Hi ssis gurus,

    i have a source file it contains some colums and in this file one column is string(20061026) format with date and i have to convert this column into date format(26-10-2006).for that i use derived column its working fine but another problem is in that same column some rows are contain null values.when i convert the values its navigate perform cast error.what is the solution to load data with null values.


    source file(String datatype)





    4 0



    7. 0


    my target is

    1.2006-10-26(Date Datatype)








    any body help appriciated



  • I am assuming you are using expression column to change the data to datetime format. As part of that, check for null or valid date and move a default value if it is null or invalid date.

    Peter Kennedy

  • Hi peter thanks for u suggestion.

    i did what u suggested and i implement expression in derived column transformation.

    the expression is:

    (ISNULL([date string])) ? NULL(DT_DBTIMESTAMP) : (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)(SUBSTRING([date string], 7, 4) + "-" SUBSTRING([date string], 1, 2) + "-" + SUBSTRING([date string], 4, 2))

    and my client asked me load data in target like this

    1.2006-10-26(Date Datatype)








    what is the expression i have to write in derived column trasnformation



  • I'm using Script Component for converting from "yyyyMMdd" string (20090115) to Date type. It is more accurate and is independant from date settings.

    Script example:

    ' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services user script component

    ' This is your new script component in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

    ' ScriptMain is the entrypoint class for script components

    Imports System

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Math

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Inherits UserComponent

    Dim provider As Globalization.CultureInfo = Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

    Dim format As String = "yyyyMMdd"

    Dim errmessage As String = "place here error message/code"

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)


    If Row.InputDateString_IsNull = True Then

    Row.OutputDateInDateType_IsNull = True

    Exit Try


    Row.OutputDateInDateType = Date.ParseExact(Row.InputDateString, format, provider)

    End If

    Catch ex As Exception

    Row.OutputDateInDateType_IsNull = True

    Row.errmsg = Row.errmsg + errmessage

    End Try

    End Sub

    End Class

  • What is your source and destination, ex. file or table?


  • Using Derived column and Substring in 3 parts makes package dependant from date format in regional settings. Have found a problem using this method after deploying on different machine, that in some cases the date will be converted incorrectly by derived column substrings + regional settings:

    '20090105' should be '2009-01-05', but if regional setting are different, it can be converted in '2009-05-01'.

    And script component removes this dependancy.

    Is there any difference what is source and destination?

  • If you look at the code attempted by Murali, he is trying to check for null and his description mentioned source file so depending on a flat file or table source how you are going to check for the value is going to change.

    I am not sure if you are a script only programmer like one my colleague who will always insist on scripts even if multiple options are available.

    I am not an expert to comment if script or derived column function is the best solution but for this purpose derived column will be lot simple and easy to code. That is just my opinion.


  • Actually, I use scripts only where it is nessesary and standard option is not usefull.

    Moving the package with string to date type conversion in Derived Column

    from one machine to another may lead to incorrect data load. And I want to warn about it.

  • Hi peter,

    Source file is flatfile.

    and i implement following expression in derived column.

    ([datestring ] == "0") ? (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)0 : (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)(SUBSTRING([datestring ],1,4) + "-" + SUBSTRING([datestring ],5,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING([datestring ],7,2))

    its working fine but at destination in "0" place it display "12/30/1899 12:00:00" but i want display "0" only



  • If you want just the date then you should use DT_DBDATE not DT_DBTIMESTAMP and also don't forget to change the data type.

    I am assuming your output is a table. If so, how is the field defined. That will make a difference as to how the value is displayed even though you might just move 2009-10-23 for ex. If you want '0' to be stored in the table, it is not going to work if the field is defined as a date field. If you can't change the field definition to string on the output table, you may want to consider moving a default date.


  • I guess, I didn't read your initial post correctly. If you want null when the date value is '0' use NULL(DT_DBDATE).


  • Hi,

    Since the expression is cast to DB_TIMESTAMP, would it not fail for invalid date string?

    eg. If the input string is 20090230 (which is an invalid date), how do you handle this in the expression.

  • This example shows how to check for valid date and replace default date for invalid date.

    (DT_BOOL)(DT_DATE)IssueDate_C ? IssueDate_C : "01/01/1900"


    Output: 2013-06-12


    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),ContractEndDate,121)

    From TestDataTable_Archive;

    You can Play with the different format values like 111 etc.


    Output: 2013/09/30

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