Connectivity with the Server, how to fix????

  • Hi all,

    I spent one week on this problem and still stuck here. Could anyone spend a little time and help me, this would benefit other newbies like me as well. So many thanks in advance.

    The problem is dat I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, and when I connect to the server (localhost) with the default userid, password it is working fine or with using the authentication mode of Windows Auth, it seems still nice to me. However, when I changed to use the other account (the database, login account and password will be configured as long as the Tomcat starts so the account and password should be correct), I got the following error:

    - Login failed for user 'XXX'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

    For help, click:

    With the state of 5 meaning the userid is incorrect.

    After that I change to the encryption mode, the following error appears:

    - A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -2146762481)

    For help, click:

    What you guys suspect is the problem? I create a self-certificate or other types of certificate, but in the Configuration Manager, I can't add the certificate in the drop-box list, in the error log it also mentioned that the can not register with the SPN for the SQL Service, I did add my computer even I am using localhost but it seems in vain as well....


    Plz shed some light on this issue for me EXPERTS!!!!!

  • Is your database\server installation configured for mixed mode or only windows authentication? If so change the authentication mode to mixed mode and try.

  • Tks for replying.

    Yup, it's installed in the mix mode. I did uninstall and reinstall to double check alr.

    Any suggestion? plz help!!!

  • Up, still need help...

  • follow the link on this blog, i have documented what worked for us

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