Attempting to migrate from Oracle 8i to SS 2008 with SSMA

  • Hello,

    I think I encountered a bug while attempting to migrate away from Oracle 8i ( with SSMA. Using version of the Oracle client drivers and version 4.0.1402 of the SQL Server 2008 Migration Assistant for Oracle I encountered the following error (taken from the SSMA log file) when attempting to connect to Oracle :

    [Collector: Mandatory] [1820/4] [2009-01-12 22:43:03]: Oracle connection provider: OracleClient.

    [Collector: Mandatory] [1820/4] [2009-01-12 22:43:03]: Oracle connection mode: Standard.

    [Collector: Mandatory] [1820/4] [2009-01-12 22:43:07]: Oracle server version: ', 64 bit'.

    [Gui: Error] [1820/4] [2009-01-12 22:43:16]: LowLevelAdapter.ReadSource : ReadSource error: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

    at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)

    at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Base.OracleBaseUtils.ParseServerVersion(String serverVersionText)

    at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.LoadServerVersion(XMetabase xMetabase, DbConnection connection, Boolean isLoadingFirst, IUIProgressBarProvider progressBarProvider)

    at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleLazyLoadProvider.RestoreConnection(XMetabase xMetabase, String connectionParameters, SecureString password, ICollectionContext context)

    at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.Collectors.Default.DefaultConnectionTracker.RestoreConnection(String connectionParameters, SecureString password, ICollectionContext context)

    at Microsoft.SSMA.GUI.Generic.LowLevel.AppCommandProcessing.Commands.SsmaAppReconnectToSource.ReconnectSourceWithOutEvents(Object context).

    From that stack trace my assumption is our server is reporting its version as ', 64 bit' a format that SSMA isn’t expecting.

    At this point I'm curious if anyone else has run into a similar issue and what they may have done to get around this?

    Thanks for any help you can offer!

    -Chad J

  • I know it has been a long time since this error occurred, but I am hoping you may remember the resolution. I am experiencing the same exact problem, and I cannot find the answer anywhere!

    Thank you,


  • Wow,

    This is a blast from the past.

    There was a bug in how SSMA parsed the Oracle version string. Since SSMA was written in .Net I ended using a decompiler on the assembly throwing the error, fixed the bug myself, recompiled the code, there was a registry setting that needed to be set to allow unsigned / unverified assemblies and then I was off to the races.

    Since this was so long ago I don't remember any of the specifics beyond what I just outlined. Good luck!



  • You are so awesome. Thank you for pulling that one out of your hat.

    I figured out that the string was wrong which led me to your post. I was desperate so I modified a view in Oracle to strip out the comma. It worked beautifully. I was able to synchronize the schemas, but now I am having problems getting the data into my sql server db. It traps an Oracle error: ORA-03134: Connections to this server are no longer supported. So I am off to the races again.

    Once again, I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I am going to look into the registry issue as well just in case this is causing a problem somewhere else.

    Best Regards,


  • It will be hard to find drivers that connect to Oracle 8i.

    Perhaps you could export the database and import it into Oracle 12 and use that as a source for the migration assistant.

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