
  • I have a task in where I need to know what user activity was done in past 1 week or later ...

    Or you can say A user logged in yesterday and deleted some data or did some insertion or soemthing etc etc how would I know is it stored in any table or is there any system functions which can tell me what a user activity was did yesterday......

    I hope you all understand my question....

    I know the above can be achieved by placing triggers on tables but i dont want to put a trigger .....


  • SQL does not keep track of user actions. You can monitor this by setting up a trace with SQL Profiler and filter on the specified user. But be aware that this trace can get large proportions (depending on what you log and how heavy your db is used).

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • U can make DDL trigger to trackout DML changes from user.

    and make DDL trigger to trackout DDL Trigger for structure change.

    Paresh Prajapati
    ➡ +919924626601
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  • My question is i need to track a user activity which was done in past (Yesterday) and i dont want put any trigger or so...

  • run the session and the other system view whose name i can't remember but it's not requests

    i have a join and dump the data into a table and check it once in a while

  • I don't think you'll be able to obtain the data you're looking for because SQL doesn't keep track of that out of the box. As others suggested, you'd need to set up a trigger to log that activity going forward, but its not possible to see who deleted or modified data yesterday.

  • Well its so strange that we cant keep a track who did what on yesterday as i said i am not suppose to have a trigger .....

    Thanks for all your help and answers

  • you can audit SQL, it's just not set up by default because not everyone needs it and everyone doesn't want to put up with the overhead and it requires a lot of customization

    all of our triggers go thorugh QA for performance testing first

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