Getting unique or primary key columns for a given table

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Getting unique or primary key columns for a given table



  • Thats great Kiran...

    For interest I have modified this to just show Unique cols plus PK for the param table:

    create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetUniqueCols]

    @table_name nvarchar(50)


    select as [Column_Name], as [Constraint_Name],

    object_name(c.object_id) as [Table_Name]

    from sys.columns c

    join sys.key_constraints kc

    on (c.column_id = kc.unique_index_id and c.object_id = kc.parent_object_id)

    where kc.type='UQ' or kc.type = 'PK'

    and c.object_id = object_id(@table_name)

    GROUP BY,kc.NAME, object_name(c.object_id)

    Having object_name(c.object_id)=@table_name

  • What version of SQL are you using?

    I got these error messages when I tried your code in MS SQL 2000:

    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Invalid object name 'sys.columns'.

    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Invalid object name 'sys.key_constraints'.

  • Yes ...this code will only work with 2005/8 I think...

  • Kiran -

    Do you have a version of your query for MS SQL 2000?

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