Some trace events have not been reported to SQL Server Profiler because the server has reached its maximum available memory for the process

  • Running trace on the following query shows :

    Some trace events have not been reported to SQL Server Profiler because the server has reached its maximum available memory for the process

    in the trace:

    select top 1 fld1,



    from Transactions t

    INNER JOIN TempLocations t1

    on t1.LocationNo=t.LocationNo

    where TypeID in ('R','Y')

    and updated = 0

    and t.fld1 = '00979'

    group by t.fld1,t.fld2 having sum(Qty) > 0

    When I run the above query either thru application or thru

    query analyzer, it keeps on running but does not produce

    any result. While the query is running, if I start the profiler, I get

    the above message.

    but if I remove the statement "and t.fld1 = '00979'

    then the query produces the result.

    This is strange. Can anyone help?


  • How many rows are there in transactions table? If its a big table then try indexing this field fld1 which u said is slowing down the query and see if this helps..


  • Manu,

    Transactions is a huge table and fld1 is indexed.


  • Check the index fragmentation and execution plan of query.


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