Script for changing the port number & disable Named Pipes protocol

  • Hi All,

    (1) Is there any command or script to disable the named pipes protocol without making it disable from configuration manager?

    (2) Is there any script to change the default port number of SQL Server 2005. Though i can change it from configuration manager but i want a script.

    If anyone knows please help me. Thanks in advance

  • You can make use of xp_regread and xp_regwrite stored procedures to do this but I don't think its recommended. These procs. will directly make update in the registry.

    You need to post this in SQL 2005 forum.


  • i've pasted a script below that shows how to get the listening port by reading the registry, and as the previous poster said, you could write to that spot as well, but even if you changed it, in a script, you'd need to start and stop the server in order for the changes to be reloaded into the running values of the server.



    token varchar(100),

    value varchar(20))


    DECLARE @inst varchar(200)

    DECLARE @inst1 varchar(100)

    --Determine registry path and key

    IF(charindex('\',@@servername) > 0)


    SELECT @inst = substring(@@servername,charindex('\',@@servername) ,50)

    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server'+@inst+'\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

    --SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpDynamicPorts'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpPort'




    if SUBSTRING(@@VERSION,23,1) = '7'


    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\VIA'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultServerPort'




    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultPort'



    print @inst + '\\\\////'+ @inst1

    INSERT #GetPort

    EXEC master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @inst, @inst1

    SELECT substring(@@servername,1,25) as ServerName, value as port FROM #GetPort

    DROP TABLE #GetPort


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