Linked server reference not working.

  • Hello all,

    I have a weird problem I need help on.

    I'm developing on local SQL Server 2005 Express database and I need to write a query that needs to get data from a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise database hosted online (no admin access).

    I have setup the online db as a linked server on the local db, but everytime I try to run a query through it I get a login timeout exception. The weird part is this:

    - if I connect directly to the online db, using the same simple login, from Management Studio, the same simple query works fine.

    - if I run the same code on the other side of the lan's firewall/proxy, it works fine and fast, whether I connect directly or go though the linked server reference.

    - the firewall actually has an "allow everything" rule set, for the purposes of testing.

    - all the code runs fine from my home, which has no firewall on the proxy.

    I have no idea what's going on. Can anyone help?

  • What are the details of the linked server connection?

    Have you got the correct name for the connection? for SQL connections the name of the linked server is used.

  • Yes, if you read the post, the same code that doesn't work behind the firewall works outside of it and on other networks. I'm just wondering what esle could be preventing the linked server connection from working, especially when I can connect directly to the server in question.

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