object_name(id) returning Null

  • HI:

    I'm doing some analysis trying to figure out what's making my database so big. I'm querying the sysindexes and I'm finding something very off.

    There are rows in the table where id is null and there are rows where object_name(id) is returning null. There appears to be a lot of data in these.

    Any idea what these object are?



  • Could it all be permissions related?

    BOL (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186301.aspx)...

    "built-in functions such as OBJECT_NAME may return NULL if the user does not have any permission on the object"

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • That doesn't sound right, I'm logged as the Administrator.

  • OK, seems to be a side effect of using 'GROUP BY id with rollup' When I drop the rollup all the objects are found. odd???


    select id, cast(object_name(id) as varchar(50)) AS name, sum(CASE WHEN indid<2 THEN rows END) AS rows,

    sum(reserved)*8 AS reserved, sum(dpages)*8 AS data, sum(used-dpages)*8 AS index_size, sum(reserved-used)*8 AS unused

    from dbo.sysindexes with (nolock) where indid in(0,1,255) and id>100

    GROUP BY id with rollup

    ORDER BY sum(reserved)*8 desc

  • Ah! The 'null' records are just the totals! It's all fine... 🙂

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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