Adding Multiple Indexes

  • Hi all,

    I have a very simple table e.g. tblInventory with the following fields:

    part_number - nvarchar(50)

    location - nvarchar(10)

    I would like to have two unique indexes on both fields that will allow me to have duplicate (part_number) providing they are in different locations e.g.

    partxyz - manchester

    partxyz - liverpool

    If I add a primary key to part_number then I cannot add duplicate part numbers, I need the two fields to work together!

    SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 2005

    Many thanks.


  • Hi,

    you could make a primary key consisting of both fields.

    Try to avoid nvarchar type in primary keys and indexes if possible.


  • It's a compound index and contains two fields. Just one index that's unique.

  • It worked perfect thank you all!

    Great stuff...



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