Controlling column order when reading text file based on schema.ini and OPENDATASOURCE

  • Hi All,

    I receive pipe-delimited text files that I want to query using SQL SMS 2005. The problem is that the columns from the text file are returned in alphabetical order according to the column name rather than the physical column order. Without specifying the columns in the select statement, is there a way to default the order to the physical column order? I've found this behavior also in the Query Analyzer as well.

    Thanks very much for any help here,

    Steve Lord

    The select statement that I'm using is:


    'Data Source=c:\FTP_Membership_Files;Extended Properties="text"')...Mbrshp_200712#txt

    The schema.ini file is:






    DateTimeFormat="yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss"

    Col1=Carriermemid char width 255

    Col2=Lastname char width 255

    Col3=Firstname char Width 255

    Col4=Middlename char width 255

    Col5=Sex char width 255

    Col6=DOB Date

    Col7=SSN char width 255

    Col8=addr1 char width 255

    Col9=addr2 char width 255

    Col10=city char width 255

    Col11=state char width 255

    Col12=zip char width 255

    Col13=phone char width 255

    Col14=effdate Date

    Col15=termdate Date

    Col16=primarystatus char width 255

    Col17=insurredSSN char width 255

    Col18=Group# char width 255

    Col19=GroupName char width 255

    Col20=Carrier char width 255

    Col21=Region char width 255

    Col22=BenefitPlan char width 255

    Col23=PCPCopay Currency

    Col24=SpecCopay Currency

    Col25=RxCopays Currency

    Col26=DirectSpecCopay Currency

    Col27=VisionExam char width 255

    Col28=VisionHardware char width 255

    Col29=PCPName char width 255

    Col30=enrollid char width 255

    Col31=OldMemID char width 255

    Col32=AsOfDate Date

    Col33="Run Date" Date

    The header row and an example row from the text file:


    888576176 |KNROKLD |JARRYD |L |M|1945-01-18 00:00:00|945955332 |9999 AN BLVD | |Somewhere |FL|88888 |8888888888 |2007-05-01 00:00:00|2078-12-31 00:00:00|P|945955332 |110028 |SOME EMPLOYER |Commercial HMO |SB|VP5|$15|10%|$2/10/25/45|N/A| | | |PEN000000123456|94595533201 |2007-12-01 00:00:00|2007-12-07 09:45:00

  • ok, the Jet OLEDB connection is breaking the text file up in to object compenents which are then returned to your query, the order of the columns is never important as they are always named correctly.

    (If, programatically the order is important then you need to review your system)

    To reorder the columns in your query; explicitly name them in the select list:

    select Carriermemid, Lastname, Firstname ...etc with the rest of the column names

    FROM OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Data Source=c:\FTP_Membership_Files;Extended Properties="text"')...Mbrshp_200712#txt

  • Hi Samuel,

    Thanks very much for the explanation. For files with a relatively small number of columns, explicitly naming them in the select is not a problem. Really I was mostly curious about the behavior - didn't find it in the documentation.

    Thanks again,

    -Steve Lord

  • for larger number of columns - copy and paste the header row into your select command, then you can find and replace the pipe symbol with ],[ and then finish off with a leading [ and trailing ]




    or if you want to be really lazy, use something like textpad which has regex search and replace, you can then replace the pipe symbol with:



    so your columns are listed nicely.

    or use an online tool like:

    to format the query.

    remember, if you're working as a programmer than anything can be programmed, even the sometimes tedious task of programming

  • Could you please let us know where the schema.ini file should be located? How come we don't need to specify the name of the schema.ini file in the query statement. Could we call the ini file with different name or it has to be named schema.ini? Please for letting us know.

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