Restore database with all necessary files

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Restore database with all necessary files

  • Josep,

    A Very nice script. Very useful.

    I've added 2 features:

    a) to have a MOVE xx to yy clause, so that the files can be restored to different drives/directories.

    b) Stats=1, so that I can see progress.

    Best regards

    Henrik Staun Poulsen



    This script creates the script to restore your database with the information existing in [msdb] database.

    It helps you by finding the last FULL backup, the last DIFFERENTIAL backup and all the TRANSACTION LOG backups needed.

    It's quite comfortable when you are doing so many differential or log backups.

    I hope you enjoy it!!!

    Script done by Josep Martínez based on the script done by [jtshyman] named "List SQL backups"

    Of course, there's no warranty, etc ...

    The variable @DBName should be set to the name of the database you want to query on.

    It is not case sensitive unless your collation is.

    The variable @Days should be set to how many days back in the records you want to list backups for. By default set to 14 (old enought I think)


    -- Important because we're going to 'print' the sql code for the restore


    DECLARE @DBName sysname

    DECLARE @Days INT, @WithMove INT, @WithStats INT, @Move VARCHAR(MAX), @stats VARCHAR(MAX)

    -- These are the only parameters that needs to be configured

    SET @DBName='mydatabase'

    SET @Days=14-- I think that's old enough

    SET @WithMove = 1 -- 1 or 0; 1=include a "move xx to yy" statement. "1" requires that dbname is the current database

    SET @WithStats = 1 -- 1 or 0; 1=include a "STATS=1" statement

    SET @Move=''

    IF @WithMove = 1 BEGIN

    SELECT @Move = @Move + 'MOVE ''' + NAME + ''' TO ''' + Physical_Name + ''', ' + CHAR(13)

    FROM sys.database_files

    IF LEN(@Move) > 2 SELECT @Move = LEFT(@Move, LEN(@Move)-2)


    SET @stats=''

    IF @WithStats=1 BEGIN

    SELECT @stats = 'STATS=1,'


    CREATE TABLE #BackupsHistory


    id INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    backup_start_date DATETIME,

    backup_type CHAR(1),

    physical_device_name VARCHAR(2000)


    INSERT INTO #BackupsHistory (backup_start_date,backup_type, physical_device_name)

    SELECT S.backup_start_date,



    FROM msdb..backupset S

    JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily M ON M.media_set_id=S.media_set_id

    WHERE S.database_name = @DBName

    AND DATEDIFF(DAY,S.backup_start_date,GETDATE()) < @Days

    ORDER by backup_start_date

    DECLARE @lastFullBackup INT, @lastFullBackupPath VARCHAR(2000), @lastDifferentialBackup INT, @lastDifferentialBackupPath VARCHAR(2000)

    -- We get the last Full backup done. That where we are going to start the restore process

    SET @lastFullBackup = (SELECT TOP 1 id FROM #BackupsHistory WHERE backup_type='D' ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC)

    SET @lastFullBackupPath = (SELECT physical_device_name FROM #BackupsHistory WHERE id=@lastFullBackup)

    -- Restoring the Full backup


    PRINT 'FROM DISK=''' + @lastFullBackupPath + ''''


    IF @WithMove =1 BEGIN

    PRINT @Move


    IF @WithStats=1 BEGIN

    PRINT @stats


    -- IF it's there's no backup (differential or log) after it, we set to recovery

    IF (@lastFullBackup = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #BackupsHistory))



    PRINT 'GO'

    PRINT ''

    -- We get the last Differential backup (it must be done after the last Full backup)

    SET @lastDifferentialBackup = (SELECT TOP 1 id FROM #BackupsHistory WHERE backup_type='I' AND id>@lastFullBackup ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC)

    SET @lastDifferentialBackupPath = (SELECT physical_device_name FROM #BackupsHistory WHERE id=@lastDifferentialBackup)

    -- IF there's a differential backup done after the full backup we script it

    IF (@lastDifferentialBackup IS NOT NULL)


    -- Restoring the Full backup


    PRINT 'FROM DISK=''' + @lastDifferentialBackupPath + ''''


    IF @WithStats=1 BEGIN

    PRINT @stats


    -- IF it's there's no backup (differential or log) after it, we set to recovery

    IF (@lastDifferentialBackup = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #BackupsHistory))



    PRINT 'GO'

    PRINT ''



    DECLARE @i INT, @logBackupPath VARCHAR(2000)

    IF (@lastDifferentialBackup IS NULL)

    SET @i = @lastFullBackup + 1

    ELSE SET @i = @lastDifferentialBackup + 1

    -- Here whe are scripting the restores for the necessary logs

    WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #BackupsHistory))


    SET @logBackupPath = (SELECT physical_device_name FROM #BackupsHistory WHERE id=@i)


    PRINT 'FROM DISK=''' + @logBackupPath + ''''


    IF @WithStats=1 BEGIN

    PRINT @stats


    -- IF it's the last transaction log, we'll say it to recover

    IF (@i = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #BackupsHistory))



    PRINT 'GO'

    PRINT ''

    SET @i = @i + 1


    DROP TABLE #BackupsHistory

  • Hi Henrik,

    Thank you for the compliment.

    I like your modifications. Thanks for them and I'm going to add them in the script. Probably making a stored procedure...


  • Hi Joseph,

    Really good work...I like it really.

    Why don't you extend this to point of time restoration? that is if some one wants a database to restore at a point of time for a given date (your right now works for current date) then it should do .... what I mean is suppose if some one wants to rollback the database to some one month or 20 days back to some point of time...then it should work....may be by adding another parameter datetime...Is it possible? I am novice in this area

    So if we give database name and point of time for particular date then it should give the TSQL like you are giving now with an additional Stopat the given datetime in the last step. Hope I am clear what I am requesting you.

    Please let me know if you want more details.



  • I like that you find it useful.

    I've made the changes proposed by Henrik Staun Poulsen in a previous post and used it in a stored procedure because now there are more parameters. I'm testing it in some places and after I'm going to update it.

    There's no problem to add a stopAt option. I have never used it, but for what I've read about it, it looks like that the time you want needs to me in the transaction log backup, so you would need old transaction logs to get that and apply an older full backup (no the last one) if you want to restore it to a date prior to it.

    So, to support this feature could be done easily if the stopAt date is somewhere after the last differential backup or would be more difficult if it's before it or before the last full backup.

    I don't know if I've explained myself...

    And I'm curious for what reason you would need to use the stopAt, if it can be explained...



  • Many thanks to Josep for the effort in creating the script, also to Henrik Staun Poulsen for augmenting the script with "move".

    To get Henrik's script working on my SQL 2000 server, I had to change the following line from this:

    SELECT @Move = @Move + 'MOVE ''' + NAME + ''' TO ''' + Physical_Name + ''', ' + CHAR(13)

    FROM sys.database_files

    to this:

    SELECT @Move = @Move + 'MOVE ''' + RTRIM(NAME) + ''' TO ''' + RTRIM(FileName) + ''', ' + CHAR(13)

    FROM dbo.sysfiles

    I also found that VARCHAR(MAX) was introduced for SQL 2005, so I adapted it to VARCHAR(8000) which is an assumption on my part as to length required, but it works for me as my path/filenames aren't overly long.

    DECLARE @Days INT, @WithMove INT, @WithStats INT, @Move VARCHAR(8000), @stats VARCHAR(8000)



  • Hi Josep

    this is the best script ever found ,i was looking for fromlong time. just few concersn like to make sure with you if you don't mind.

    - I have backup files on shared location( with different folders like \\Server\Full Backups\Fulbackup.bak ) so does this script works for that kind of situation?

    -I think Script find automatically latest backup files from list of old backup files right?

  • Hi!

    I'm sorry to haven't answer, neither updated the script for so long. My appologises.

    First of all, I've made a new version of the script, creating a stored procedure and adding the options With move and with stats written by Henrik. Thank you Henrik.

    logicinside22, thank you for the compliment! The answer to your questions:

    - You shouldn't have any problem using shared locations. But I haven't tested it.

    - The script gets the backup information from msdb (I copy the query under these lines). The only think you should be carefull is that in your maintenance plan you should clean the history after the last backup date. If you do a full backup every weekend, the history retention in msdb should be higher, for example 15 days, to allow

    the query to get the full backup information.

    bitBIG, I've added the RTRIM to the script, but I prefered to keep the VARCHAR(MAX)

    vvkp, I'm planning to allow point in time restore, but I don't know the stopAt time at the moment of scripting the restore. I'm planning to write a Powershell script that will write the restore script based on the files found, rather than the information on msdb. I'll post it here.



  • Thanks for the script.

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