Managing Indexes in a Database

  • I have a database which has a over 80 to 100 indexes. How do we maintain these indexes, I think re-indexing all of them is not a good idea. Is there any other way of monitoring these indexes in SQL Server 2005 for fragmentation etc. Your insight is appreciated!!


    Razi, M.

  • You can monitor fragmentation with dbcc showcontig and then based on the results, decide which indexes you want to rebuild. Lots of scripts here on the site.

    Other than that, SQL Server maintains the indexes fairly well.

  • Thanks Steve. Guess what I told this to an interview but he still wanted to see what else we can do? I was stuck:)

    I think there are some system DMVs in 2005 that show statistical information regarding indexes.


    Razi, M.

  • Yes, as far as checking to see if indexes are being used, you can use the DMVs so see what's being used.

    This blog post can help:

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