Select query output to a table

  • I have a query similar to this...

    Select field1, MAX(SomeDateField) AS XDATE

    From MyStuff SomeJoins...

    Where SomeDateField IS NOT NULL

    Group By field1

    It returns some stuff like this...

    field1 XDATE

    ABCD 1900-12-31 00:00:00:000

    DEFG 1900-12-30 00:00:00:000

    HIJK 1900-12-29 00:00:00:000

    and so on....

    I want the output to go into a table with the following columns...where VIOLATOR is varchar(25) and INCIDENTDATE is DateTime.


    ABCD 1900-12-31 00:00:00:000

    DEFG 1900-12-30 00:00:00:000

    HIJK 1900-12-29 00:00:00:000


  • I'm not sure I understand your question - are you just looking to create a table for your select statement? i.e.

    create table #BLAH

    (VIOLATOR varchar(25),INCIDENTDATE datetime)

    insert into #BLAH


    from SOMETABLE

    group by VIOLATOR

    select *

    from #BLAH


  • From BOL

    The SELECT subquery in the INSERT statement can be used to add values into a table from one or more other tables or views. Using a SELECT subquery also lets more than one row be inserted at one time.

    This INSERT statement inserts into a separate table some of the data from all the rows in titles whose type is modern cooking:

    USE pubs


    SELECT title_id, title, type

    FROM titles

    WHERE type = 'mod_cook'

    The select list of the subquery must match the column list of the INSERT statement. If no column list is specified, the select list must match the columns in the table or view being inserted into

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Perfect!

    Thanks everyone.

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