A Transactional Replication Primer

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    Cláudia Rego


  • Claudia, Your primer is excellent. Very informative etc. One issue which I have been trying to overcome is, I have an archive database on the subscriber receiving transactions from a publisher. Next developers make a change to the schema at the publisher. I end up having to rename my archive database on the subscriber ( as I don't want to lose this data ) and re-snapshot the updated publication to yet another archive database. I haven't yet discovered any way of overcoming this. Again excellent article and thank you. Derek

  • I am working on a problem of replication from Spain to UK and this article makes interesting reading...thanks go to the author

    Derek: If you want a perfect copy of the database you should try "Log-Shipping".

    Pro: perfect copy of your database is maintained on your archive server, including all schema changes + data.

    Con: the archive database must be in ReadOnly mode (but isn't that the idea of an archive anyway?)

    If you don;t want to pay for the Enterprise version of SQL2k then there is a DIY solution contained in MS Back Office Resource Kit v4.5...I have been using this to maintain a DR copy of our DB's here in the UK for over 6 months now without a glitch.



  • We are running SQL Server 2000 (sp3a) on Windows 2003 clustered. We are just starting to use Log Shipping for Disaster Recovery. Basically shipping the logs across the MAN to another building and restoring there. To be honest I inherited the Archiving solution we have in place and as such had not thought of using Log Shipping. I'll certainly give it some thought. Without going into too much detail, we have a number of activities which take place at quarter end which may complicate things. But thanks very much for the input. Well worth discussing further here with our corporate DBA. Derek

  • The link to how you fix the IDENTITY is not working. Eere is the correct link.


    I would also recommend against "fixing" the IDENTITY in this maner. When you do this the table is complete rebuilt. Click the little script icon to see what it is doing. A better option would be to set it as IDENTITY NOT FOR REPLICATION and then add the schema option of 0x04 to your publications.


  • Hi Claudia,

    Great read!  I am interested in creating a replication and log shipping from the same database.  The replication will be used for reporting while log shipping is used for warm standby.  Currently we already implemented log shipping using home grown scripts.  Do you have any details on how to implement replication with log shipping running?


  • Hi Claudia,

    Great read!  I am interested in creating a replication and log shipping from the same database.  The replication will be used for reporting while log shipping is used for warm standby.  Currently we already implemented log shipping using home grown scripts.  Do you have any details on how to implement replication with log shipping running?


  • Hi,

    Great article!

    A few comments:

    1. Regarding the custom stored procedures, you can eliminate the need of them by changing the article properties, and selecting not to use sp's instead of insert/update/delete commands. This way you can skip messing up with the stored procs.

    2. The identity can certainly be used at the subscriber if you select it "Not for replication". Same thing for check constaints, triggers etc.



  • I'm very happy with your feedback.

    I hope it helps who is trying to setting up this type of replication.

    About log-shipping i don't have experience on this.



    Cláudia Rego


  • new to tranactional replication.....

    If the idea is to replicate the database, why doesn't it replicat all the tables, is there a way to replicate the ones without primary keys?

  • Transactional Replication requires a primary key in order to replicate etc. Other method of replicating data which would include tables without primary keys would be Log Shipping. A different topic etc. Rgds Derek

  • this seems using SQL Server 2000, not 2005.

    Xiong Chen

  • this seems using SQL Server 2000, not 2005.

    Xiong Chen

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