Hide Duplicate rows

  • I am creating a report based on a group value and hiding the duplicate values by clicking the hide property on the selected textbox. The report values are displayed in two rows. If in the same group there is a same record then I am not displaying it.

         Which works fine,but it is leaving a blank row all over the report. Please guide me as to how do I avoid the blank row if I am hiding duplicate values on a row.


    1 joeph test 111  222 red

          sample done works


          joseph   test works


    If in the same group, if the 1st line repeats for the 2nd row then there is a blank row after hiding duplicates. I want to remove that blank row if row repeats for each group

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • How about stripping out the duplicate entries before they ever get to Report Writer.  If using sql, could you use the distinct option???

  • Probably a silly question, but you dont have a group header and/or a group footer line, do you?

  • It is not a silly question mr. Neil. If you have a answer please send it accross. I have a Header and a Footer and its on a legal paper. I am bifurcating my report values based on a group values. In a group I may have more than 1 row. I am displaying single record values in two rows,first row displays only description and 2nd row has all calculated values.

    In a group if there two records with same description then I do not have to show same described values for the second record. For that I am hiding based on grouped values. Its working fine, but its leaving me a blank row(remember I told you I am displaying 1 record in 2 rows.).

    I do not want to display that blank row. Please suggest.





  • Hi,

    Usually, if you want to hide the entire detail row then best is to make sure all columns (field) in detail band must be set to hide duplicate row.  Also make sure to select the group (especially in case of multiple groups) while setting hide option on.

    The other option could be is to eliminate the duplicates well at SQL data binding level.

    Hope this helps.


  • Have you got solution to this problem? I am facing same issue. Someone please help.

  • There is an option "Row Visibility" in SSRS, through which you can control the table row visibility. You can use the same expression to control that row visibility which causing you a problem.

  • Hi,

    The expression which is used to hide duplicate values, used that exp in Row visibility property.

    = IIF([........Expression.....],True,False)

  • Hello All,

    Thanks for your immediate reply. I got the issue solved by using row visibility expression.

    Thanks again for your support.

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